I'm Going Places

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Sybil left the house in a state of panic, she walked down the brick steps with her mouth wide open, breathing heavily. She found an ancient pay phone and put in a couple quarters to call Arick.
"Hello beautiful!" He answered not even questioning the caller.
"I need to be picked up, now." Was all the could come out of Sybil's mouth at this point.
"Oh my, are you ok? Sybil did something happen?" It was calming to her how genuinely concerned Arick sounded, but she couldn't cope with his melodrama at this time.
"I need to be picked up, now!" She then heard the click of the phone as he hung it up and began to drive towards her. She waited no longer then ten minutes sitting on the side of the curb, poking peaces of leaves she found on the ground as she went over what she had to do in her head. "Choose, it's not too hard, Arick or Chase? Which of my boys. Or maybe none at all? Maybe I should just return to my normal old life and find a new boy of my own. The work my mother sent me to do must surely be done by now."
"Get in." She looked up to see Arick's face hanging out of the rolled down window, she climbed into the passengers side with the radio blaring out of the stereo. She had figured out what she must to, she had to see Chase, no matter what it cost her before she made up her mind she had to see Chase at least one more time. So Arick drove her back to her hotel where she got out. She started to walk into the hotel when the sound of the car door made her turn around on the spot. Arick was getting out of the car to follow her to the hotel room.
"No stay, I'm just going to take a nap, I'll be back in no time at all." She said to him.
"I'll come, I can't leave you alone right now. I know something's wrong and no matter what you say you cannot be left alone." She didn't know what to say, and as an argument was probably not be best thing right now she let him follow.
Arick was lounging on the bed as she entered the washroom, she knew what she had to do so she sat on the side of the bath tub and thought of nothing but Chase, Chase and only Chase, the loving farm boy who saved her when he had no reason, the one who even in mourning could not keep himself from her. She could feel his warmth, see the glow of his beautiful red hair and his giant muscular body.
"Babe are you ok? You've been in the for a while." Arick banged on the door, he paused for a minute awaiting an answer and when nothing came from inside he opened the door into the small sand coloured bathroom. She was gone and with no windows in there she simply had disappeared. His first reaction was of course to call the police. After all that had happened that day with her nervousness he couldn't help but assume the worst.

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