❝He's mine?❞

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go follow her and my joined account with brynleawilkins the username is brynlea_skyelee


I'd been sitting on the bench in the park for about forty-five minutes before Luke had sat down. "You needed to talk? It sounded urgent. You okay?" He asked after sitting here for about ten minutes. "Fletcher is yours." I blurted out, because I knew if I didn't do it now I wouldn't have the guts. "What?" He asked looking at me like I was crazy. I looked at him, the words burned in my mouth. "Fletcher isn't my son. He's Skye's." I lied. Well not technically a lie because Fletcher wasn't Lee's. He was Skye's. "What? You're saying that Fletcher, isn't yours?" He said furrowing his eyebrows. "I knew her. Skye, she was a good friend of mine. So good that she trusted me with Fletcher. So I adopted him from her when he was born. I got to take Fletcher home and when I came back, she was gone. The doctors said she checked out with no contact information. She asked me to make sure that he knew who his family was. Including you." I said to him softly. He looked up and said, "That's how you knew she would forgive me. Isn't it? She told you what I did to her an that she forgives me?" He guessed. I nodded looking at my lap. "She was never mad at you, well for the first month or so she was. But once she started caring for Fletcher she said you gave her the best gift. And she was so thankful to have him. But near month eight she was talking about something I haven't figured out yet. I can't remember what it was though. She doesn't hate you Luke." I said finally looking at him. He looked at me. "He's mine?" He finally said after a few moments of just looking at each other. I nodded. "He's yours." Luke smiled a little bit. I smiled back at him.


Its been a few hours since I told Luke about Fletcher and he's been with him ever since. "I see you've finally told him." Amber smiled at me as we watched the two play. Though Michael was watching Luke. "Yeah. Then he told Michael. Who, if you couldn't tell, doesn't believe me. He think I'm lying about Fletcher being Luke's." I sighed. I was beyond happy that Fletcher would know his dad. I was also a little bummed that Michael didn't believe me. I knew it wasn't particularly believable, but where was the trust. Even though I knew I deserved nothing. "Hey Lee, can I use your phone to call Ashton?" Michael asked me. I nodded telling him my password. He thanked me and left to the back of the house to make his phone call. 


I called Ashton to let him know I'd be home as soon as I could and that the key was under the plant on the porch. I honestly don't know why I did what I did next. But I don't think I regretted it. It was texts from a few days ago, before Lee had gotten here.

To: Amber
I don't know what to do anymore Amber. I miss you guys so much. And I want Fletcher to know who his dad is and I want him to meet his uncle.

From: Amber
I know you do Skye, but what about Michael? He's getting better these days and I don't you coming back and it destroying him when you leave.

To: Amber
I know that. You tell me all the time. But I miss him so much and I just want to see him and know if he's okay. You tell me, that me leaving affects him. I don't understand how it affects him. We barely knew each other. And, yet, I still love him, Amber. I love him so much and I don't know why. 

From: Amber
Honey, he loves you too. He may not have openly admitted but he truly loves you. Every year on the same days, when you were sold, and he sits alone in his house. He doesn't answer his phone or talk to anyone. Skye, you've gotta come back for good. We all miss you so much. They even made you a memorial because they think you're dead.

That was enough for me. I'd read enough. I went up to Lee's room, knowing she was either there or the bathroom because I didn't see her with the others. She was in there, mid-changing too. That's when I noticed the scar on her back. It was light and you couldn't tell it was there unless you knew it was. "Is it true?" I asked her biting my lip. She looked at me and asked, "Is what true?" But I could read her face. "Never mind, I know how I can tell." I said. I crossed the room and I kissed her. Skye would have kissed me back, I know she would have. Her arms went around my neck as she got on her toes so she could reach me. I bent a little bit and I picked her up. She wrapped her legs around my waist as I pushed her against the wall. Her hands tangled in my hair as we kissed. I had to let go, because if not I don't think I could ever stop kissing her. I put her down and backed away from her. I as breathing hard and she was too. "Michael I-" I cut her off by putting her phone on the dresser and I left. I didn't know what else to do. 


I still felt the tingle of his lips on mine as he walked away. "Michael!" I called after him. I went to the stairs only to see him disappear from the bottom of them. I ran down the stairs, careful not to fall. I heard the door slam shut after I reached the bottom. I raced to find him before he left. "Michael!" I screamed as I saw him getting in his car. He didn't appear to have heard me and he began backing up out of the drive. Tears were in my eyes as I went after him. "Michael please! Stop! Come back!" I screamed as I chased him down the road, the neighbors probably thought I was crazy. Hell, I probably am. I was out of breath and my chest was hurting. I fell to my knees in the middle of the road as I watched him drive away from me. And then I cried. Still sitting in the middle of the road, until someone stopped and helped me into their car. 

hey guys! DOUBLE UPDATE WHAT?! I hope you guys liked it! Vote! Comment! Tell your friends!

lots of love


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