❝I have loved you, since we were eighteen.❞

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The next few days was spent with Michael and Fletcher, occasionally Luke would take Fletcher somewhere and we'd be at it again. Other than that we were happy here, in San Francisco. Michael and I were happy, Fletcher was happy, Louis was happy. Everyone was happy. We were watching a movie together. Fletcher was laying across Louis' stomach and I was doing the same to Michael. I loved our little family. 


Luke was leaving today (two weeks after he came to California) and trying to convince Michael to come back with him. Louis was going back, for good. And I was trying to be happy for him, he was going to live with Zayn again. He was excited about it.  Michael was considering it, just for a small amount of time though. He said he was gonna sell his house, his car, and everything else. Quit his job and everything. Find a new one and all that. He'd decided a few minutes ago and was buying his ticket now. We'd been here to see Luke and Louis off. "I'm gonna miss you Lou." I sniffed at my bestfriend. Well best-guy-friend. "Awe babe! I'm gonna miss you too!" He said hugging me. Luke was holding Fletcher and they were talking. Somehow he can understand Fletcher, but it was a good thing. I hugged Louis until Michael came back with his ticket. Louis let me go and Luke gave him Fletcher, but still hovered. I looked at Michael with a heavy heart. I didn't want him to leave, even for a minute. I felt my bottom lip tremble. Michael looked at me. "Awe baby." His arms wrapped around me and my face was in his chest, since I was shorter than him. "How long are you gonna be gone?" I asked him. His arms tightened around me and said, "I don't know. No more than a month." He assured me. I nodded and held onto him. God was I whipped. About a half hour later their flight was called. "I held Fletcher. "Bye Dada." Fletcher said to Luke. Fletcher had started calling Michael Pinky, after I'd showed him a picture of Michael with pink hair. "Pinky!" He screamed as Michael was walking away. Michael turned around, still walking backwards. "I low you!" He screamed at the top of his tiny lungs. He gave his small bag to Luke and ran this way. "I love you too, buddy." He kissed his forehead. "I've loved you since we were 18." He said kissing me deeply. "I love you." I said as he went back to Luke. I watched the plane take off, Fletcher called them big cars. I seen Michael's face in the window, when people were still boarding, he didn't see me. But I saw that he had a few tears running down his cheeks. 

I know it's short and I'm sorry, but it'll be worth it I promise <3 I hope you liked it! Vote! Comment! Tell your friends!

lots of love


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