Chapter 4

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Kat's POV

Saddie decided that she wanted to drive to the club...; now her driving isn't the best and i felt like i was going to die every five minutes, but we made it.

"That wasn't so bad, now was it," Saddie said and i literally jumped out of the car and sat on the ground while stroking the grass and saying "I'm alive!"

Saddie lightly punched me in the arm and laughed. 

We went to the club entrance and showed the bouncer our IDs, We have fake ones that say we're 21 and it was good enough for him so we're golden.

"Let's go dance," Saddie yells over the music and i follow her to the middle of the dance floor. Sweaty bodies all shoved together, grinding and basically humping each other with clothes on. We started to dance and grind, there were some cute guys that were by us, checking us out.

I went up to one of them, he was blond and super cute. "Hi, i'm Kat." I yelled over the music. "Hi, I'm Niall," he said and i grabbed his hand, pulled him to the middle of the floor and grinded on him.

Now, I know what you're thinking... "wow, what a slut," but the truth is, i've had a lot of drinks (they were all free because guys bought them for us) and i wanted to let go of all the pain i've ever felt in life.

Niall grinded on me and i grinded back, it was fun and he was fucking hot. 

"Do you wanna get out of here?" i asked and he nodded

He got his car and we drove to my dorm, when we got out Harry, John, Jake, Jack, and Drake were all walking and eating pizza. I grabbed niall's hand and we walked towards them. 

"Hey Kat, Who's this?" John asked

"This is Niall, we're super close, almost dating" I said and walked right past them all

Niall and I got up to my dorm, we were making out and hands were going everywhere. We got to my bed and he stopped us.

"I don't want to take advantage of you when you're wasted," he said and i looked up at him confused

"you don't want to have sex with me?" i asked and he laughed

"I want to fuck your brains out so bad, you have no idea," he said and smirked

"But, i want you to be sober and remember it"  he whispered caringly and kissed my forehead 

I felt like shit all of the sudden and ran to the bathroom to puke. Niall came behind me and held my hair back, he must've been there for 20 minutes until i passed out on the cold floor.

All of the sudden, a bright light tried to open my closed eyes. I slowly flickered my baby blues open to find Niall sitting on the floor, back against the wall, eyes closed, and passed out.  I on the other hand, was in the bath tub, blanket on me and towels under me with the garbage right by my head. 

He actually took care of me last night... That is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me. My head is pounding and i feel like i might puke again. I tried to get up quietly but i failed at it as i slipped and fell backwards into the tub. Niall opened his eyes and with lightning speed got up, helped me up and carried me to my bed. He got me advil and water, and he just kept rubbing my back as i gulped it all down.

"Let's go get breakfast," he said and i nodded 

"let me just put on some decent looking clothes and makeup and we will go," I said looking down at my gray sweatpants and UCLA Sweatshirt. 

"wait, did you change me?" i asked and he smiled nervously

"ya, you puked on your dress so i stripped you down and put something more comfortable on you. i didn't want you to feel even worse than you already did." he said and i walked up to him and hugged him.

"OK i'll go change quick," i said when all of the sudden,  I was thrown over Niall's shoulder and carried out of my dorm room. I was laughing like an idiot and pounding niall on the back. 

we got outside and i was still on his shoulder, when we were a little ways from the dorms, he set me down. I laughed looking at my beautiful slippers that i had on. I must've looked super hungover and super lazy. 

"You look great," Niall said as if he had read my mind. 

i grabbed his hand and entwined his fingers with mine, we started walking to his car when i saw Harry and the guys.

"Hey guys," i said and smiled

"Wow Kat, you were trashed last night," John said and i laughed 

"ya, no more drinking for me for a while, oh this is Niall by the way," i said and they all stared at the blondie with bright blue eyes.

"ya we met him last night, I'm John and that's Jake , Jack, Drake, and that's Harry." John says and they all shake Niall's hand except for Harry... well, that was awkward. 

"So did you fuck him Kat, like you fuck everyone?" Harry says and i gasp

All the guys look at him shocked and Niall keeps his eyes on me. 

"it was nice to meet you guys, but we need to go." Niall says and pulls me to his car

As soon as we're inside, i start bawling. I can't help it... after what i went through with the raping and the fact that harry knows that i was raped... for him to say that was a low blow. 

"Kat, look at me." Niall says and i do. 

He kisses me and it's soft and steady and warm. When we pull back, i just feel all warm inside.

"I don't believe that you sleep with everyone. Because i can tell you have respect for yourself. You're better than that and you shouldn't listen to Harry." Niall says and i know he's right.

I kiss him again and i cuddle into his side after we're done. I feel safe. Safer than i have in a long long time.  Niall drives us to this little diner and it's so cute! we get out and he drags me in, i love it so much actually! 

"Hey Niall, who's the pretty lady you have with you?" an older lady says to him

"Hello Margret, this is my girlfriend Kat. isn't she just beautiful?" Niall says and i blush

"She is absolutely stunning! So, you're my little Niall's girlfriend?" Margret asks and i nod

Niall looks at me and smiles so big, he looks like a kid in a candy store whose parents said they can have as much candy as they want.

"Good, he needs someone to keep him out of trouble" she says and brings us to a little table for two

After she seats us and takes our orders, we wait for our food.

"So who is Margret?" i ask 

"She's a friend of my grandma's. After my nan died,  Margret became like a grandma to me, she became family.  I owe her so much... She saved my life." Niall said and the admiration he had for this woman, made me tear up.

"so was that your way of asking me to be your girlfriend back there?" i ask and he smirks

"depends, was that your way of saying yes back there?" and i nod, he smiles really big again and he holds my hand.

I feel so content and safe with him.. this moment is perfect and nothing can ruin it. 

All of the sudden my phone rang, and the name on the caller ID made me scream...

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