Chapter 3

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Kat's POV

"Harry, where are we even going?" I asked and he just grabbed my hand and held it while we walked.

"Bowling," He said and smiled. Ok good, so something i can do. I mean I think so... here's the thing, i've never been bowling....

"Oh, awesome!" I say, and smile as best as i could. 

"You've never been?" Drake said coming up by me, and i looked down

I didn't know what to say, how deprived they must think i was,  and the truth is hell ya i was. Drake put his arm around me and harry's jaw clenched as he did it. 

"It's ok babe, you'll do great. I'll help you, and you'll get the best score ever. we got this," He said and kissed my cheek.

"Thanks Drake, and thanks for putting your DNA all over my face" I said and laughed

"You loved it," He said and winked at me.

 He jogged forward to catch up to the rest of the guys

Harry looked mad, and i couldn't really decipher why. Maybe, it was because he thought i was trying to get with his friends... which i'm not. To be honest, I still have a small crush on him.

Pulling my hand out of his, I ask; "Harry, are you mad at me? I'm not trying to get with your friends if that's what you're thinking...." I don't look at him at first, becase i think he's going to lash out at me, but instead... he just laughs.

"Kat, I'm not mad at you, I'm mad at the guys. I said you're off limits and they clearly don't understand what that means." 

"Wait, I'm off limits? since when is that a thing?" I ask kind of mad at how he said it. He doesn't own me, and I don't understand...

"Yes, it's a thing. You just came back into my life and i will not lose you. I care too much about you." He says and i just smile.

But what if he means it, like in a big brother way? He probably wouldn't feel the same about me. 

"Thanks harry, that means a lot to me." I say, but i pull my hand out of his and run to catch up with the other guys. I jump on John's back 

"Johhhhhhnnnn" I say like a whiny kid.

"Kaaaaaatttt" he mocks me back.

 "I want a piggy back ride," i say and he laughs. 

"Ok, but hold on tight." He says and starts running around with me on his back, he starts spinning and i can't help but squeal and giggle. 

"John DON'T DROP ME" i yell and laugh my ass off.

He stops and he sets me down on the ground. I laugh and hug him, when I turn around to look at the rest of the guys, all of them are smiling except for Harry. He looks pissed, and I assume its because of the whole "I'm your big brother and i care" act. oh well... doesn't matter what he thinks anyways.

I run over to Jake and slap his ass, "Good game," i yell and run laughing.

He's running behind me and i can hear his footsteps, I run faster and i make it to the bowling alley. 

"Holy shit, are you like a marathon runner. Maybe a cheetah or some shit?" He says laughing. 

I fake laugh.... if only he knew that's how i kept from almost dying for years. Running away from MOB guys my dad owed money to, getting away from guys who tried to rape me.

I open the door and go into the bowling alley, the black lights make my white shirt a blue color and my white converse a dark blue. 

We get our shoes and bowling balls and start the game. Me, Harry, Drake vs. John, Jake, and Jack. 

"Here, let me show you what to do." Drake says and he wraps his arms around me his front to my back. He puts his hand on my fingers in the ball. He guides my wrist and it perfectly hit all the pins down. 

I jumped up and down and hugged Drake.

"I DID IT!!!!" and i was laughing my ass off. 

After about 2 hours of bowling, we finally decided it was time to leave. My team won! I had some fun, and im glad i went.

"Guys, I'm gonna take Kat home," Harry said

"Bye Kat" John said and kissed my cheek, Drake, Jake, and Jack all did the same thing.They all started walking to their dorm, Harry started walking me to mine.

"You didn't have to walk me to my dorm," I say to him and he chuckles, "Of course I did, I have to make sure you're all right." 

We're walking to the doors and up to the stairs, all of the sudden a blonde haired chick (Who looked like a slut) walked by us and harry just oogled at her. 

"Kat, you can make it the rest of the way right?" He said an jogged forward to catch up with the chick. The last thing i see is them start making out and they go into her room. 

Wow, what a douche bag. I thought he actually gave a shit about me. I'm just the stupid little sister to him.  We're not even related and he wants to treat me like a child. 

I walk up the stairs to my room, Saddie's there listening to music on her bed and studying. I just lay on my bed and cry. 

"Kat, Kat what's wrong" Saddie says, and I tell her about how I thought harry felt the same and blah blah blah, and she just sits on the bed with me, rubs my back and lets me cry. In a way, she reminds me of Ally. 

"Oh, Babe, it's ok. Boys are stupid. Maybe, you should go out with me tonight, let's have a girls night and go drinkin and clubbing." she says, and i smile 

"Ok Saddie, i will go with you. Only, because i need some fun in my life." 

She smiles a sweet innocent smile and then smirks "We're gonna make you look hot," she says and i just laugh.

3 hours later and a painful and fun makeover later in which she waxed my legs and my armpits, Plus my personal area. She also did my eyebrows and upper lip, also made me shower, she curled my hair and for makeup did just light eyeliner and mascara with some lipstick. We were finally ready to go. 

I was wearing a tight black dress that went to my upper mid thigh, black converse, my red hair in perfect curls and my nails painted a perfect black. I was ready to rock the club.

"Holy shit, you look good." Saddie said and whistled. I laughed and hugged her

she was wearing a tight red dress, white pumps, hair perfectly straight and nails painted white. 

We looked sexy as fuck. 

I needed to let go, let everything go. I needed to just have fun and do everything i've wanted to do. Mistakes are going to make up my night tonight, and i don't care. 

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