Cousins and mistakes

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I have some new characters
Emma is @AmeliaLynchRatliff
Harley is @Rikergirlcutie
Raylee is @Raurariaura100 or @roauraryaura10

Laura's POV

Finally my cousins are here and I can tell them what has happen and what should I do cause I'm really confused

I mean I love Ross and he's been the best boyfriend but he acts different too. At first he did took me to dates but after he came to live with me, now he's always busy for dates since now he's paying for the electric, water, heat and other stuff. He doesn't want me to help him and I'm always alone but my cousins are on their way now eeep...

But then again Riker. He made me feel like I'm the only girl in the world. When we used to hang out, it would always be laughing and having fun but a little bit romantic. Now when I see him, he's always exhausted and if we bump into each other he just says "Sorry" and continues walking and if we see each other he always looks down and walks the other side. He changed too, but I also saw that last time his room was open and I saw Riker give Ross money and later came Ross to my room and give me the same money except a little was missing and he said he worked all day for it but I know it's a lie.

*Knock Knock*

Omg its them...

Emma: "Laura!" *Hugs her*

Laura: "Emma! Its you" *Hugs her back*


Laura: "Sorry *Hugs Raylee and Harley* I missed you guys a lot Emma, Raylee, and Harley"

Three of them: "Us too" *Hugging Laura*

Raylee: "So this is the house?" *Looks around*

Laura: "Actually mansion *Laughs* And yep"

Harley: "Isn't it scary?"

Laura: "Of course not why would it be?"

Harley: "Well umm Jake told us something..."

Laura: "Don't talk to me about that motherf*cker"

Emma: "Laura, he's been worried about you and we saw him try to suicide himself when you left him and more when he figured out you're living here"

Laura: "What about this house? And he cheated on me. Which side are you guys on"

Three of them: "Yours, of course but..."

Laura: "But what?"

Harley: "This house is haun...." *Was cut off by R5*

Harley's POV

Damn, they're really hot but the blonde one was more than hot, he was perfect and all that. He seem to be the oldest one from all of them. Still he looked perfect even though it looked like he's been depressed. He said "Riker Anthony Lynch. The oldest one from all of them and I play bass" He did left and I went after him

Emma's POV

When I saw that guy with brunette hair. My heart stopped and started beating faster. I mean the others are cute too but this guy, he was more than cute, he was hot. They were talking and introducing themselves then I heard he said "I'm Rocky Mark Lynch. I'm a guitar player" Then he winked at me and I felt the heat rising through my cheeks

Raylee's POV

They seemed nice and all but I don't trust them a lot. I could see my cousins are practically drooling over them which made me laugh. That's when a brunette guy came behind my back and said "I'm Ryland Michael Lynch and your laugh is cute" which made me instally blush so much that the others notice and smirked at me

Ghosts Twins (Raura or Riaura)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora