Laura's Pov
I felt bad and guilty I lied to Riker about the fact that it is his son but I want Riker to have a bigger career than just being a guy that is busy making music, acting, dancing, and now being responsible for our baby. Dancing? Oh oh, I have to run to the set, today's our first day of practice. I hope he can forgive me for what I did to him. Yesterday his siblings came back crying and they did not want to talk about what happened or where's Riker, they just got up and left to their rooms. I didn't mind if they actually stayed, they're my best friends.
Riker's Pov
I hate Laura Marano more than anything in the world. She lied to me and she made me look like an idiot in front of my siblings. Don't worry Laura, I am going to have my real baby girl next to me and she is mine not like your son. I imagined how me, Laura and our baby would be next to the beach just playing and laughing then I would kiss Laura but when I pulled away Laura's face turned into Savannah's face and our baby boy turned into a baby girl. This is not the life I wanted. I wished my mom would be here to help me and pick the right path. Mom? What should I do? Why did you left me so early? I miss you so much mom and dad.
Ross's Pov
I need to talk to Laura before she goes. I need to tell her that Riker is engaged too somebody named Savannah. I heard Niall talking on the phone so I decided to listen oops sorry not sorry.
"Oh my god, Savannah. I told you to never talk to me about what happened that other night. Get Riker to help you, I can't" Niall said talking on the phone
Savannah? Isn't that Riker's fiancé Savannah but why did Niall said Riker's name? What happened in that night?
"Savannah! I told you NO! I cannot go to sonogram with you. I have to go with my friends today" Niall started yelling on the phone.
Sonogram?! Savannah's pregnant? But why is she calling Niall? It's supposed to be Riker's baby right? Wait Riker is going to have a baby with Savanna?! I need to tell Laura about this. I ran to her room. I didn't hear what Niall said after
"Of course Savannah, I love our baby girl but I have to take care of Riker's real baby. Yes, Laura's baby is Riker's that's why you can't tell Riker that the baby isn't his and Laura's is his." Niall said as he smirked "Bye" and hanged up. But Ross didn't listen to it.
"Laura, Rikerisgoingtobeafather" Ross said breathless
"What? Ross speak slow" Laura said calming Ross
"Riker is going to be a father." Ross said
"Of course he is, I thought you thought that Niall was the father of my baby but actually it's Riker's baby" Laura said looking down
"WHAT! Your baby is Riker's and Riker's baby is yours, but Riker is having another baby from another girl" Ross said looking at her eyes
"What? Ross, stop lying to me please. N-n-no" Laura started crying
"Hey, it's okay I'm here" Ross said hugging her
"Ross, don't leave too" Laura started pulling him close to her
"I won't." Ross replied as he crashed his lips into hers
"Ross no, this is wrong. I'm going to get married and I'm having your brother's baby" Laura said pulling away
"Laura, my Laura don't get married just because you need a man next to your side when you're not in love with him" Ross said
"I-I gotta go Ross" Laura said as she took off
I'm going to steal your heart Laura.
Laura's Pov
I can't believe I have a triangle love or a quadrilateral love since its Riker, Ross, then Niall and I'm in the middle of them. The thing that has me upset is that RIKER ANTHONY LYNCH IS GOING TO HAVE A BABY WITH ANOTHER GIRL THAT'S NOT ME. I got out of my car and got into the set. Riker was there already and he saw me when blood filled eyes and fire which made me scared but I didn't care and I went up to him. I yelled at him in front of everybody.
"HOW DARE YOU HIDE THAT FROM ME?!" Laura yelled as she can
"HOW DARE YOU LIE TO ME?!" Riker yelled back
"GUYS, stop fighting and let's see what you got" The guy said as he sat down
He got up after 1 hour and went to check other people that were in another rooms. Riker and I were alone
"Okay so all you gotta do is step by step. Like this then you grab my waist when I jump" Laura said as she ran and jumped on Riker
Riker grabbed her waist. "Like this?"
"Yes. Now you got to do your own signature after that" Laura said. Riker gave a confused look. "Ugh, do something to impress the judges at the end like a backflip or something like that. This is salsa so pick something like that"
"Oh okay I understand" Riker said as he was about to took off "See you today at night. We have to impress people"
"Riker, before you go. I just want to tell you I'm sorry for lying to you and screaming at you." Laura said as he paused and turned around
"Lie to me? Laura, you completely destroyed my heart, you left me heartbroken and there's no glue that can fix this." Riker started crying "Sorry? That's the least you can do. I can go pretend it doesn't hurt to see you and to feel that the baby in your womb isn't mine but it does and a lot." His face turned red "YOU FUCKING LIED TO ME!" His last tear ran down his cheek but he wiped it away. "My tears aren't worth for you anymore"
"That's not what I meant, Riker if you let me explain I can tell you that its our bab-" Laura was cut off by Riker
"What?! You want to tell me another lie" Riker said "No, Laura that's not how it works. You messed with the wrong guy" as he ran off
Its our baby Riker. I love you not Niall, I wish this was a nightmare that when I would wake up I would be in Riker's arms again or maybe when I was still living with my parents.
~Later that day~
"Here's flowers for a special girl. Look, I'm sorry for what happened please forgive me, I love you a lot to lose you." A blonde guy said
"Oh my god. I love you too" Laura said kissing him "Niall"
"I wish you nothing but the best today, impress them baby" Niall hugged Laura
As I hugged Niall, I saw Riker with his family talking and laughing then I saw a girl walking towards them as Riker grabbed her and kissed her. I felt my heart break then Riker lean down and kiss her belly. So Ross did told me the truth, I was faking a smile for Niall but inside I was crying and screaming.
"Are you ready?" Niall asked
"Yes, I'm just nervous and scared" Laura replied
"You shouldn't be, you'll be fine"
"Next up give it up for Riker Lynch and Laura Marano" The host guy said
I saw Riker give her a last kiss then he went up to me
"You ready?" Riker asked smiling
"Yes" Laura smiled back
Damn, this boy has bipolar. They hold hands and went out. I saw Niall in the other side and R5 in the other with Savanna. Me and Riker started dancing Salsa. Everything happened so quick, we danced like never before. He jumped then I jumped and he caught me like always. I wonder what's signature going to be, we were in the last part and BOOM! He kissed me at the end of the song as I kissed back fast then we pulled way and everybody was clapping even the judges the only ones not clapping was Niall, Savannah, and Ross.
"Wow, that was amazing and that kiss though. Laura was a good idea to be with Riker" The host said
"I've never seem something like this. I give you a 10" One judge said
"10" The other one said
"10 too" The third one said
"I give you your forth 10" The last one said
Riker jumped and he hugged me
"We did it Laura" Riker said
I'm a new owner of this account. So do you guys want me to upload the three books "I love you, no not you Raura or Riaura", "Ghost twins Raura or Riaura", and "Raura R(i)aura Riaura" at the same time but I'll upload every time long or just do each one everyday or 2 days.

Ghosts Twins (Raura or Riaura)
FanfictionThe whole family R5 was found dead in a house in April 4, 1890 Only 2 people who went to heaven was Stormie and Mark The rest were ghosts but they were the meanest baddest ghosts in town Now Laura, a young lady came and even though she was scared...