Escape pt 1

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Riker's POV

I couldn't no more! I hate everything in this life! I've been in this miserable mansion so long! I need to escape before she comes back and uses me.

"Riker?!" A woman yelled from downstairs

I stay in silence as I hear the footsteps getting louder every second

I stay in silence as I hear the footsteps getting louder every second

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The door opens and its Carmen. She looks mad and thats not good for me. I panic that she realizes I was actually scared of her.

"Aw honey. You don't have to be scared. Its just me" Carmen says as she approaches me

I backed away

"RIKER! Don't make me hit you" She said as she grabbed her whip

I  had felt that whip in my back. That whip that bit me every time she was mad. Every time I would refuse to have sex with her. Every time I would say Laura by accident. Every time I was crying.

"Sorry Mistress" I said as I leaned in to kiss her. I knew that was my only way to avoid the whip

As she leaned in. I push her to closet and closed it.

"Riker! Open this up!" Carmen said as she started hitting the closet

I opened the door to see the 2 security guys that always keep me inside so I closed the door. What do I do?! Riker think! I felt the wind coming from the window. THE WINDOW. I climbed down, thank god it's just one floor. I started running away.

I wasn't going to stop running until I feel my legs numb and falling to the ground

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I wasn't going to stop running until I feel my legs numb and falling to the ground. I started running towards the bridge that was probably miles away.

After 3 hours I was tired and I wanted to drink something so bad. I was so thirsty and sweaty but at least I made it to the bridge. I hid in the side so nobody would see me. I knew I needed to sleep. I closed my eyes praying I wouldn't get caught by my brother, the polices or Carmen

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Nov 06, 2016 ⏰

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