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Riker's Pov

I shook my head to see my son seeing me and smiling. I smiled back but I really didn't want to. 3 babies of Laura?! It can't be true. I went to my house to leave Ryder with Rydel.

"Riker?! You are early!" Rydel said

I gave her Ryder in her arms and grab a coat.

"Where are you going?" Rydel asked and I didn't respond. "RIKER?"

"I'm going to the hospital! Laura is having her babies!" I completely yelled on her face.

Ryder started crying and Rydel patted him in his back to be calm. I ran off to the hospital where the voice said.

"Hey, I'm looking for a lady. Laura Marano" I said calmly. She looked at me a lot and then she looked in her computer.

"No sir. There's no Laura Marano" She said as she got up and left. Me being curious I hopped to her desk and searched and I found 'Laura Marano' but why did she lie to me? I went to the room they said and the voice in my head was right about the room. I saw Ross standing outside a door and a brunette guy. What are they doing here?!

"Ross?" I walked forward

"Riker? RIKER!" He said surprisingly

"What are you doing here?" I asked as I looked at the other one. "Jake?"

"Long time no see huh?" Jake smiled

"Yeah long time" I said to him but I faced Ross "You still haven't answered me"

"Well umm well" Ross was cut off by a doctor

"Mr. Lynch, congrats. Its a baby boy." The doctor said

"What?" I asked

"I have a son and its mine and Laura's" Ross said smirking

"Actually sir. There's two babies. Both boys and one died" The doctor said

"Who's the father of the lost baby?" Ross said

"Excuse me? I thought all of them were yours" The doctor said

"Whoa whoa what?" I said "I have a son?"

"No Riker" Ross said laughing "Its mine and Jake's baby"

I grabbed Ross's shirt and was about to punch him but Jake got in the way and they both got me. Ross punched me in the stomach and Jake threw me in the floor to kick me. I heard the doctor trying to stop them and they actually did

"I want to see Laura" I said as the doctor nodded and Ross and Jake were staring at me.

I saw Laura on the bed resting and sweating as ever. She turn her head to see me.

"Riker?! You're alive! Oh my god please get me out of here" She said as she grabbed my hand.

"No" I pulled my hand away from hers.

"No? Riker, what's wrong?" She asked me

"You had two babies of two different men! TWO!" I was yelling already. "I was going to jail and I'm actually a fugitive because everyone thinks I killed you meanwhile you were having an affair with my brother and your ex Jake! I spend 8 months of my life in my room! 8 months thinking and figuring out how to find you and now that I found you with two more babies! Ryder? What about him?! I shut him out when he needed me and you. You just couldn't help yourself in getting the bed with my brother too!" I was crying and so was Laura

"Riker, its not like that. Baby, you have to believe me when I tell you that Ross and Jake rapped me and that's the reason I got pregnant. They had me tied in a bed and you have no fucking idea what's its like be like a sex toy." Laura said crying as she tried to reach my hand but again I pulled back.

"NO! Don't touch me! You will not come near me and my son ever again!" I yelled and slammed the door. Once I was out of the room I found three polices surrounding me. I turned around to see Laura and I gave her a disgusted face at the window. She was making signs to not do anything but the polices didn't seem to care.

"Put your hands up and don't move" One of polices came and handcuffed me. "You are to remained silent"

They pulled me to their police car and I saw reporters and people were just watching me. Only if they knew that I couldn't possibility hurt her the way she hurt me. I saw the woods was near and I opened the car door even if my hands were handcuffed. I looked back to see the polices were already preparing their guns to shoot. I jumped out and heard shootings. I felt pain in my arm and back.

I was rolling down the dirt until I hit a rock in my head and there was where I was seeing lights in my face. 

I realized that I was being searched by polices and I tried getting up but I would only fall. I had the strength to get somewhere where there was water and it was going to the right. I looked at my arm and saw it was bleeding and there was a bullet. I still had my handcuffs so I couldn't do anything. I sat down but the water washing me straight to where the water was going...


Ghosts Twins (Raura or Riaura)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora