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Riker's Pov

God, I'm so nervous. Today is the day, I saw Rydel coming towards me so I start to worry.

"What happened? Did she have second thought?! She doesn't want to do this?" I asked

"Chill out Riker. Its just Dancing With Stars okay" Rydel said trying to calm me down "Your wedding is in 2 months"

"Riker, you ready?" Laura came with a white dress (The one Allison wears in Samba)

"Wow" I can't help but just stare at her. "You look beautiful" I smiled at her

"Thanks you look amazing baby" Laura said as she gave me a quick kiss. "So now you're ready?"

"Yes. I mean no. Where's Ryder? Where's our son?" I asked nervous

"Riker, he's with your parents" Laura said

"Oh right! I'm sorry I'm just nervous about tonight" I apologized


"No" I replied

"Oh god now what?" Laura was pissed

"This" I said as I kissed her and she kissed back

"Riker, Lau-" The guy said as he saw us kissing "Sorry to interrupt but you're up in 2 minutes"

"Alright now I'm ready" I said as she smiled

"Welcome Riker Lynch and Laura Marano" The host said as we ran to stage

Of course I ran and did my backflip

Laura's Pov

We can make this I know we can. We have been rehearsing everyday, 6 hours. We have to dance 2 times because we weren't here because you know Riker and Ryder

The first dance was a samba dance which the song is "Want to want me" by Jason Durelo

Everything was so amazing and this time we didn't have to hide from nobody. This was my dream, to be with the man I love and well dance with him. I was scared that he would leave me when I lied him of him not being the father of his real baby boy. Most of the time he was smiling at me and I was admiring him because he never left me and that's a real man. I felt people staring at me. Oh shit! Did it finished?

"Laura, why are you looking at me like that again?" He asked chuckled

"Because you're handso- umm sorry judges" I apologized quick

"Round of applause for Riker and Laura" The host said

Everybody was clapping and I saw Ross and Vanessa smiling at us. Finally, they accept us

"Awesome but it needs a little more improvement I give it a eight" One judge said

"I give it a 10. Awesome work" The other judge said

"9. It was amazing though" The third judge said

"I think you're going to win. 10" The last judge said as the other judges looked at him

"Everybody give it up for Riker and Laura" The host said as we ran backstage

"Wow, that was amazing guys" Rumor said as she smirked and walked away

"Riker?" I said as he looked at me

"Yeah" He replied

"What if we don't win?" I asked "I gave everything to get to the place we are"

"We will win Laura. Its impossible not to win" He said as he hugged me. I felt save in his arms.

"10 minutes for the next dance Riaura" The guy said as we went to change

Ghosts Twins (Raura or Riaura)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora