Riker's Pov
No! My baby can't be dead. This has to be a joke but I saw the doctor's eyes that he was telling the truth. Laura hugged me like never before and started crying in my shoulder as I felt weak and a giver cause this baby was the one keeping me alive and now he's gone.
I didn't realize I was crying too. I got up and started throwing everything I found. I felt Laura weak too. My parents didn't told me anything about this! FUCK EVERYTHING! I left the room and start walking as I thought all the good and bad moments I was with Laura as I imagine my baby moving in her womb.
We moved the final Dancing With The Stars next month. I just can't do anything, just walk. I walked to where there's babies. I watched them all and I saw an empty crib that had the name "Mother: Laura Marano". I started crying as I secretly got in and started hugging the crib.
I need to see my baby even if he's dead. I talked to the same doctor that was with Laura.
"Mr. Lynch, are you sure you want to see your son? I mean I don't know if you can handle it" The doctor said
"Yes, I wanna see my baby boy. At least to just say goodbye." I said as I started crying. I felt a pat in my back
"We wanna see our baby." Laura said. Laura?! But she just gave birth and she's walking now! I saw the rest of the gang.
"Us too" The gang said
"Sorry but only 2 people can go in and that's the father and mother of the baby." The doctor said as he lead us to the room.
"Umm it's RLLM1" The doctor said as he got us in a room filled of babies that were dead.
Laura's Pov
I just couldn't help it and cry of how much pain their parents past through like me. Riker looks like more hurt than I am but I am hurt the same way. Riker just came from the death and he wants to see his son. He cares about him. We searched around and we found a baby in a metal table with a label RLLM1. There's my baby boy, I saw his little body. I started crying as I saw Riker crying badly and sniffing.
I heard Riker talking to him as if he was alive.
"Hey lil man. I'm sorry I wasn't with you when your mother needed me the most. I'm so sorry, I'm sorry if I acted like a jerk, I'm sorry if you wanted Ross to be your dad instead of me" Riker said crying
"Hey! That's enough! Riker, I don't regret having a baby of yours" I said to him trying to make him smile
"Laura, I was so stupid to not realize that the girl I fucking love was you" Riker said
He loves me?! After every lie I told him...He still loves me! Wait, but he's going to have another baby with Savannah
"Riker, you have another baby in the way" I said looking down.
He put my chin up. "It's not mine, it's Niall"
"What? Niall is not that kind of a person! ARE YOU OKAY? Niall is the victim" I said
"I knew you wouldn't believe me so here we leave it then." Riker said as he was about to leave.
"I hate you. Fuck you but I love you. You messed my life. You made my life complete. I hate myself for loving you. Get out of my life. Please don't leave me." I said as he stopped
"You love me?" Riker said as he walked toward me.
"Yes and a lot. I want to spend every second with you." I said and started crying.
He started crying too. "I love you too" as we leaned in and boom. We kissed.
No one's Pov
Riker and Laura kissed in front of their baby as R5 was wishing the baby was alive, even Ross. Riker and Laura were still kissing as one of their tears was shaped like half of a heart. Their tears connected as they made a full heart and drop in the heart of the baby.
Everything went white. The lights started going on and off as R5 were suffering and getting electrified. They were yelling and screaming in pain. There was a big wind. Riker and Laura were still kissing as the whole thing wasn't happening. Later after two minutes, everything went back to normal. The lights were on and R5 was on the floor unconsciously.
Laura's Pov
Riker and I are kissing. I missed these kinds of kisses where we didn't had to hide. We felt air but we didn't pull away. We were still kissing until we heard a baby crying. I thought it was my mind playing games with me but I saw Riker shocked too as we faced the the metal table. There he was, my baby is alive. I carried him as I was scared what to do. Riker grabbed the baby as he tutored me how to hold a baby😂He gave it to me and then went to get the doctor. Riker came in running
"The baby is alive?! That's a miracle" The doctor said.
"Yep. My son is like his father. Strong" I said as Riker smiled at me.
"I can't believe it. The baby is healthy and everything is fine. This baby is strong." The doctor said
"Yes, like me" Riker said as we started laughing at him as the doctor left.
We turned around and saw the gang with their hair up and their clothes are all ripped.
"Riker! What did you do?" They yelled
"Nothing." Riker replied
"I can't read minds anymore" Ross said
"I can't run fast no more" Rocky said as he started running and then falls.
"I can't smell danger now" Rydel said as she sniff
"I can't hear from far away. Bruh" Ratliff said as he cleaned his ears
"I can't see the future. What the fuck?" Ryland said
Riker was shocked and he went to the wall then punched it. Of course this idiot hurt his knuckles. He kissed his knuckles to take the pain away
That's when they all stared at each other and then they stared at me but little by little I realized they weren't staring at me. They were staring at the baby
"That!" Rocky yelled
"Baby!" Ross yelled
"Has!" Rydel yelled
"Our!" Ratliff yelled
"Powers!" Ryland yelled
"We're humans again" Riker said at last as he started to form tears in his eyes.

Ghosts Twins (Raura or Riaura)
FanfictionThe whole family R5 was found dead in a house in April 4, 1890 Only 2 people who went to heaven was Stormie and Mark The rest were ghosts but they were the meanest baddest ghosts in town Now Laura, a young lady came and even though she was scared...