Ch. 3 - Restaurant

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***Hey guys hope you like the chapter. I am going to have short chapters becasue then i can update everyday. So thanks. And word of Advise make sure to save your story while your writing or if you accidentally exited out it will be saved.****

(Paul's POV)

   I was going to go pick up three girls who were going to go eat with the boys. The boys seemed like they liked these girls especially Harry, Niall, and Louis. I think they would want to do stuff with them so I was making sure they went somewhere were they could have fun but not to much fun if you know what I mean.

   So I got the girls and where on our way to the Limo when I noticed that the Pops where out there waiting for the boys. But instead they got three girls who I had to make sure didn't get hurt by them. We made it safely to the Limo, we got in and sat down to wait for th eboys. I heard the girls talking about where they wanted to go. They wanted to go to Nando's but they didn't know if the boys would want to. I simplily said "Girls I know they would always go to Nando's even if they were old men." I heard them laugh and they said "Ok" all at the sam etime.

(Harry's POV)

  We were almost done with the meet n' greet. I wanted it to finish faster. But time always go by so slow. Even though we love our fans, we have three beautiful ladies waiting in the Limo for us. I know I just saw her in the crowd, but man am I fallin head over heals or her. She was just...I dont even have words to say about it. I just like fell in love with her at hte moment i set my eyes on her.

   We were finally done with the meet n' greet. We were heading to the Limo when we remembered that we had to take the back entrace so that we wouldn't get mobed by Pops. We were heading to the Limo and we got in. From that point forward all i heard was a bloody scream coming from the car. It was Lillian, she was leaning on the door when i opened it. "I'm sorry, did I scare you." I said with a smirk on my face. She was grinning from ear to ear with that perfect smile. "Ya kinda. Sorry everyone I screamed so loud. It just scared the crap out of me" she said.

(Rena's POV)

  We were sitting in the Limo. When all of a sudden we heard a really loud scream. I looked over and saw who screamed. It was Lillian seh was screaming becasu ethe door opened when she was leaning on it when she almost fell out. I saw who it was that opened the do. It was Harry. He had this big smirk on his face. I was laughing so hard, i almost cried. 

 (Alexa's POV)

   We were in the car and I asked "Are we going to go to Nando's or somewhere else." Everyone looked at me like I was crazy. "Who do you think we are." Niall said. I just laughed. "So I'm guessing we are going to Nando's." "Ya Duh." Liam said. "So whats your names girls." Zayn asked. "I'm Alexa, thats Rena, and this is Lillian." I said. "Oh, lovely names. And obviously you know are names." Liam said we  all shook are heads. Then we heaed towards the restaurant)


  (Louis's POV)

    We arrived at Nando's. We waited for the host of the restaurant so he could seat us. He seated us at a big booth. We sat like this, Rena sat by Niall, Niall sat by Harry, Harry sat by Lillian, Lillian sat by me, I sat by Alexa, Alexa sat by Zayn who sat by Liam.

   Are waiter came and asked what we wanted to drink. I said i wanted Coke. Alexa said she wanted Pepsi. Harry said he wanted Orange soda. Lillian wanted Sprite. Niall wanted Tea. Rena wanted Tea to. Liam and Zayn got Lemonade.

(Rena's POV)

   We ordered are drinks, they brought our drinks to us. Then we had to order what we wanted. We all odered our favorite. Peri-Peri chicken. The waiter brough our food to us and we started talking about how everyone was doing. We asked like what are favorite colors is. Favorite food, which I bet you could guees. Favorite music. We all said One Direction.

(Lillian's POV)

  I was sitting by Harry and Niall. Harry was resting his hand on my knee. I was oging to tell him to quit but I couldn't bring myself to do it. "Guess what are we going to do after this." Rena asked. "Well you guys could come to our flat's, if you want to."Niall said. "Lillian can we please go, we have nothing better to do please." Rena and Alexa said.

  "Ok so are you guys coming to our flat's?" Harry and Louis said. "Ya we are like they said we have nothing better do do." Lillian said. "Ok so are we all done eating." Liam said. we all nodded are heads.

****At the flat*****

 (Alexa's POV)

    We ended up going to Niall and Harry's flat. There flat was amazing. It was so big on the inside. I wish I could live in one of these with my furture husband. It had a huge front room with a flat screen TV. Then they had 5 bedrooms. Two were Niall and Harry's bedrooms. And the other three were guest bedrooms.

   I got done looking at there flat and then Harry asked if we could play truth or dare. Of course we all said yes. Thats are favorite game. Then after we are done playing Truth or Dare wea re gonna play 7 heaven. This game is where you go in a closet for 7 minuets and you do something or do ANYHTING. 

(Lillian's POV)

  We were getting ready to play Truth or Dare. Harry asked me if I wanted anything to snack on. I said ya and asked if he had any apples. He gave me a Granny smith. I love those kinds so does he. I jus tlove that about him.

(Rena's POV)

  We all got in the circle to play truth or dare. They expladed the rules. One of them was no chicking out, you have to do what they tell you to do, no matter what it is. We sat in this order. Niall, Rena, Harry, Lillian, Louis, Alexa, Zayn and Liam. Niall got to go first. He picked Lillian. She always picks Truth. He asked her how far sh ehas gone with a guy. She was so nervouse becasue us being her best friends new everything about each other and we now how far she has gone witha guy. And just sayin it's not to far. She answered with"I have only kissed." Harry gasped at this, making a wierd face like really did you just say that face. "Really only kissed" Harry said with a sad expresion on his face. She shook her head. Then it was her turn to Truth or Dare someone.

  "Ummm I pick Louis."  Lillian said. She asked him truth or dare and he picked Dare. Lillian Dared him to take Alexa in the other room and do something and/or anthing he wants to do. He shook his head in an ok movement. They want off to do what they wanted. We were gonna go easedrop. We went to go look around the corner to find......


   Cliffhanger. What do you guys htink htye are doin. Heres somethings either snoggin each other, or doin other things your'll just have to wait to find out


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