Chapter 9

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Jasmine's POV

"On fire?" I asked.

Jayden stared at me before he answered.

"Yeah but don't worry she wasn't in there. "

I looked down at my hands as we made our way to the elevator.

"She'll be fine baby." Jay said kissing my forehead.

We got settled in the elevator and Jayden pressed the basement.

"Why are we going to the basement?"

"There a car waiting for us there around back."

"Oh. Okay.."

We were almost down to the fifth floor when the elevator shook to a stop.

"Shit." Jayden and Jay spoke.

"We're in trouble. " Jayden mumbled.

They both cocked their guns when the lights shut off.


We heard the cutting of metal above us.
"They're coming in from the top." Jay let go of my hand.

"Jay where are you going? " i whispered.

"I'm right here." He said from behind me.

He slid something around my neck.

I felt my neck and saw that he placed a necklace on me.

"What's this for?"

"Its a gift i was going to give it to you later but you need it now. Dont ever take it off. Okay?"

"What do you mean i need it?"

Before he could answer there was a loud squeaking noise and the elevator top came from above us.

Three men in all black stood above us with their guns pointed down at us.

"Give us the girl."

"Why would we?" Jayden asked now pointing his gun towards them along with Jay.

"Because we could just kill her now in front of you. The boss would love for her to bring her in but we can kill her instead of going through the trouble. "

Jay and Jayden sighed.

They're thinking about it.

"You guys just let me go."

The first guy in black smiled.

"Listen to her." He smirked.

"Jas what are you saying you could be killed!" Jayden yelled

"Its for the best. Ive caused enough trouble."

"Jasean i know you're not going to actually let her go."

"We have to or they'll kill her now. I dont want to see my girlfriend killed in front of me. " he sighed.

"You guys are stupid."

Jay looked up at the men.

"We're letting you take her. Just dont hurt her more than she already is." Jay said picking me up slightly.

The second man in black reached down for me.

Before Jay let me go he whispered to me.

"Whatever you do. Dont let them take that necklace off. Keep it on you at all times."

I nodded and covered up the necklace with my shirt as i was lifted into the other mans arms.

Jayden and Jay stood helplessly watching us walk away.

"She's prettier than boss described her." The third man in black said. I couldn't see any of their faces because they all wore masks.

"Just worry about the job and not the girl. We dont need any screw ups." The first man in black said he seems to be the tallest and buffest of all of them.

I just hope this torture wont last as long im tired of this.

Unknown POV

"Do you have her?"

"No but we're getting her now."

"Good have them bring her to my warehouse in Louisiana. "

"I will sir."

With that i hung up my phone.

My plan is in motion.

Once Lola hands over the girl i will kill her and her crew. She is too sneaky for my liking i know she planning to double cross me.

That's why I'm going to beat her to it first.





What yall think?

I need more votes also.

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