Chapter 10

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Jasmine's POV

I woke up from darkness by something wet landing on my face. "Rise and shine bitch." A woman stood over me. She looked down at me with an sadistic smirk on her face.

I looked closely at her and then gasped.


"Yes I'm his mother."

"Wha--what do you want from me?"

She rolled her eyes and started to laugh loudly.

Then she stopped and looked at me with a smirk.

"I want you to pay for the death of my son, but--" her smiled dropped suddenly. "I cant kill you because my partner has much better plans for you."

"He didnt say anything about a little torture though." She said grinning at me.

"Kyle!!" My eyes widened as Kyle walked in the room.

"Yes mother."

"Bring the whip and also bring her little friend too, she can watch the fun."

I saw Kyle's face turn sour.

"Kayla has nothing to do with this I will not bring her into this mess she's my girlfriend, and I wont let anything happen to her."

His mother snapped her head to him.

"Awwww how sweet." She said sarcastically. Then she got a dangerous look on her face. "You bring her in here right now or I'll let my men have a little fun with her, and I'll make you watch everything."

"She won't  be anthing but trash once they're done with her." Kyle gulped and turned around in defeat and headed towards the door.

"I'll go get her but she doesnt need to get hurt." He said quietly walking away.

I looked back at the woman who called herself a mother it made me sick just to look at her. How can someone be so cruel to their own blood.

"How could you do that to your own son?" She looked at me with a smirk.

"That bitch is not my son. He's too weak. I should've aborted him when I found out that he wasnt my husband's son. "

"I thought Tyler and Kyle had the same mother and father."

"Oh no..God no Kyle's father is someone else. He and Kyle just have my features that makes them look exactly like each other except for those damned eyes of his. My husband never knew about it but I knew when I saw his birthmark it was the same as the man I had slept with months before my husband died. Ive resented Kyle since he was born he reminds me of my mistake. "

"Kyle isnt a mistake he's better than Tyler was. Tyler tricked me into believing he liked me then tried to kill me. You're a sick bitch if you think that's what a son is suppose to be like."

She raised her hand and slapped me against the wall.

"He was still my son bitch. I loved him because he reminded me of my husband. Now I'll never see either one of them again. It's all your fault."

"I blame you for his death. You raised him to be a sick son of a bitch that he was. Im sure your husband wouldn't appreaciate the fact that his wife was a whore anyway. " She slapped me with so much force blood flew on the floor beside me and my vision started to blur.

"I'll show you sick. You'll never want to open that smart mouth again when my men are done with you." She stood up and pulled out her phone.

As I floated into darkness. I saw Kyle standing at the door shocked written all over his face.

"I'm sorry." I mouthed then I was soaked into darkness.

This is not going to end well.

Unknown POV

I watched my hidden camera as Lola talked to Jasmine. I had heard their whole conversation.

I can't believe that bitch didn't tell me Kyle was my son. I mean I knew but she didnt have to lie.

I paced back and forth in my office.

She lied to me. She told me he wasnt mine, when she came up pregnant months after we had sex. Her husband was so busy with work they never saw each other and she came to me. So it was strange to me that she claimed that the baby was his but they never saw each other.

I knew he was mines, but what she doesn't know is I met Kyle when he turned 13 and I got him tested without anyone knowing. I told him if he needed me he could call me and I was a friend of his mother's. I've gotten him out of trouble plenty of times. His brother was always pinning his mess on him. I never did like that boy.

This partnership is off. She's hurting my son and lying to me.

I only helped Lola to get back at my brother. He knew I was in love with Kate yet he married her and they had Jasean. I'm over it but I just wanted him to feel the pain I felt, but now with Jasmine kidnapped they'll all feel the pain I felt.

My phone rung in my pocket. I pulled it out and looked at the caller I.D. It was Kyle calling me.

Why would he be calling me?

I slid the answer key.

"Kortez speaking."

"Why didn't you tell me you were my real father?" I was stunned.
How could he know?

"Kyle I don--"

"Dont give me that bullshit. You knew. That's why you helped me so many times when Tyler kept me in trouble. I knew it was something about you your eyes are the same color as mines and no one else has my light brown eyes. Just tell me why didn't you tell me?" His voice broke at the end of his ranting.

"I couldn't. How would I look telling your I was your father after 13 years. She kept you away from me it was by luck that I saw you in the store that day. She confirmed my thoughts of you being my son on the video of her talking to Jasmine."

The line stayed silent longer than needed and I knew he was putting thing's together.

"You're her partner." I sighed.

"Yes I am. She doesnt know about the camera's I have set up though. Your mother is a coniving woman I have to watch my back."

His next question threw me off.

"Why are you trying to hurt Jasmine?"


"You're Jasean's uncle I can see the resemblence clear as day. You look just like his father. I'm not stupid or clueless obviously. I'm sure mom's not either. My question is why would you hurt your nephew's girlfriend that he has been in love with since they first met. My girlfriend is in danger because they're bestfriends and i love her so if anything happens to either one of them. You dont have to bother calling me your son. Dad."

Then the line went dead.






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