The Council

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The elevator ascended up the tower and there was no window for Emi to look out to see the view of the city rising above her. Just a dark room with the sound of the elevator's motion. It was almost depressing and just gave anyone more feelings of dread when summoned before the council.

Emi was able to be confident in front of her friends like Kit Fisto, but once she was alone, she was scared again. She had been scared the first time she was brought before the council as a little girl, to be assigned her master. The council was completely different back then, only Master Yoda and Master Windu were the ones that had been there since she was a little girl; but over the years the council had changed, and now three more were given seats when she was eighteen. They had been there ever since.

Be brave, you can do this, either they will scold you again or congratulate you, she thought. Then the elevator came to a halt at a large grey door, there was no turning back. The door opened and Emi walked into the large circular room, it was well lit with large windows all around. On the floor was a interesting abstract design of a golden circle, with green tree-like swirls on the edges, and smaller red circle in the middle with a different design. But Emi had eyes for the twelve seats surrounding her as she walked in.

In each seat was a Jedi master of a different species. The first to notice her enter the room, was Saesee Tiin who sat parallel to the door. He glared at her disapprovingly as he always did, but she was used to it. Saesee Tiin was an Iktotchi with large horns pointing downward on each side of his head. Emi brushed off the strict look on his face and walked into the center of the red circle.

She never really paid attention to all those who were circling around her in the room, except those between Mace Windu and Saesee Tiin, as they seem to be there the longest, and were sitting in the quarter of the room that she turned to face the most.

Mace Windu, the senior on the council, and the only other human in the room besides her, was the first to speak.

"Do you know why you are here Emi Takori?" He asked.

Emi gulped, the moment of judgement, "'s because I passed the trials,"

"Passed the trials you have, but the diplomatic mission to Alderaan we discuss first," Yoda spoke up and Emi turned to face him.

Master Yoda sat next to Mace Windu on his left side, he was the Grand Jedi Master and halfway to eight hundred years old. He was small, and plump with pointy ears, but not to be underestimated. Emi could still not figure out what species he was, or why he talked the way he did. But he had been an excellent mentor to her.

"My diplomatic mission? Okay, shoot," Emi said, known for speaking with many unprofessional phrases, but the council had grown used to it.

Saesee Tiin sighed and shook his head. Emi hoped that he would remain silent during this lecture because whenever he spoke, he was the most scolding out of all the other members of the council who were more firm than others. His words always seemed to be a deliberate attempt to make her insecure, and she hated him for that. Please, if the force is with me, make sure he keeps quiet, Emi thought.

"We got a message from Senator Riyo Chuchi shortly after you were en route back to Courascant. She compliments that you are a brave Jedi. In your report, you said that a bounty hunter was after her, yet you killed him rather than brought him into custody," Mace Windu said.

Emi sighed, "I already tried to arrest him, he resisted. I didn't do it for cold blood. I know it's not the Jedi way, I know it. I had him right where I wanted. But he was going to kill Chuchi, she was there in the room with me. He had his gun, I just couldn't let him do it...."

"Merciless! Surely you could have got the guards to stun him for you, did you not think of that?" A sharp voice interrupted, and Emi turned in the direction to hear that it was Saesee Tiin, who was on the edge of his seat.

Great, just when I pray he doesn't talk during this, he talks anyway, Emi thought and tried her hardest to remain calm. He was of higher authority than her, and talking back would only make it worse.

"With all due respect Master Tiin, the guards were either stunned or dead by this bounty hunter's hands. I tried to get information from him, like who he's working for and such, but he knocked me down and pointed his gun at Chuchi. I had no other option," She replied.

"You are still as reckless as ever young Emi! Let us not forget other notable times you have demonstrated that. The droid factory on Felucia, Master Luminara said you took on General Grievous alone. A foolish move indeed, as she said!"

Why does he always have to bring that up? He should consider me lucky that I survived that encounter and the many other times I have run into Grievous over the years, Emi thought once again.

"Calm yourself you must, Emi's past experience, this is not about," Yoda said.

Saesee Tiin growled in annoyance, "I still stand behind my words Master. The droid factory, Naboo, and now Alderaan. Emi does not deserve this honour,"

Mace Windu and Yoda were silent at first. Ki-Adi-Mundi, who sat on Yoda's left side stroked his beard in deep thought. Emi called him cone-head in private.

What were they thinking, was Saesee Tiin right? Do I not deserve to be knighted? That could be what they were thinking, or worse, expulsion from the Jedi order? Master Luminara never told me they would mention what went wrong, maybe she was afraid I would refuse to attend this meeting if she told me, Emi's thoughts wandered and her heart raced. She waited until someone, or everyone else in the room would accuse her, refuse to grant her the rank she had rightfully earned, or say she was expelled, and then suddenly, a voice spoke again, different, and deeper that she did not recognize.

"No, Master Tiin. Emi may have made mistakes in the past and now, but that does not mean she does not deserve to be granted the rank of a Jedi Knight. There are times when she fails, and there are times when she succeeds. She is trying, and it will not be long before she learns. If you will not be patient with her, then you fail to see her capability. Just because one has made the wrong choices, does not mean they are unworthy or cannot redeem themselves ever."

Emi turned around once again to the source of the voice. It came from who was sitting next to Mace Windu's right side. It was a tall Kel Dor, no older than a few years than her; however, the depth, volume, and clearness of his voice made him sound like he was much older. He stood up, his robes were thick and chestnut black, he wore a black antiox mask and goggles covering his most of his facial features, what remained bare was peach in colour. Emi had heard of the Kel Dorians and that the unique atmosphere from their home planet was the only air they could breathe, but other than that, she did not know much else, and couldn't help her curious heart. In spite of all that, they were the species in the galaxy that interested her the most

She had no idea a Kel Dor was on the council, and right next to Mace Windu no less. How could I have not noticed him earlier, perhaps he has been so quiet all this time until now, she thought.

"Stand down you must, Tiin. Correct, Plo Koon is. Possible it is, can Emi redeem herself," Yoda replied,

"But Master Yoda...." Saesee Tiin started to say,

"You stand by your words, Tiin. I stand by mine." Plo Koon said, calmly.

Saesee Tiin grumbled and slumped backward in his seat, other members of the council looked at him, he sighed and did not speak again.

Plo Koon, so that was the name of that Kel Dor, Emi thought as she looked at him. He nodded respectfully towards her and sat back down.

"It's settled then, Emi Takori, we hope that next time you are given an assignment, you make the right choice. In the meantime, we must recognize that you have passed the Trials of Knighthood. Even though you have been difficult, we cannot ignore the fact that you passed fair and square. Return before this council at dusk and you shall be knighted,"  Mace Windu commanded,

"Thank you Masters."

She headed for the exit, but as made her way to the door, she stopped in front of Plo Koon, who remained looking at her. He still did not speak, but she could tell by his body language that he respected her. She gave him a small smile as a silent way of thanking him, and in return, he nodded once again.

Then she stepped into the elevator and looked at him one last time before the door closed.

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