Deep in Thought

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An hour after Emi Takori had met with the council for her knighting ceremony, the regular meeting had proceeded as planned.

The meeting with the Jedi council was going on later than Plo Koon had expected it to. He sat silently in his chair, on the edge of the circle of Jedi Masters in the room, listening to the conversation happening all around him. He rarely spoke unless it was necessary, even though his knowledge level would surpass many since he had been given his seat on the council.

The sun had set a few hours ago, ships were still moving in all directions from the city outside. The city never sleeps, Plo Koon thought as he listened to what Mace Windu was talking about. He was mentioning something about how Senator Chuchi was coping with the recovery on her assassination. Do not bring up Emi Takori, whatever you do, do not bring her up about that, especially you Tiin, he thought, glaring silently at Saesee Tiin who kept his gaze away from him.

"Chuchi will be fine, so we've been told, but the matter is...." Mace Windu continued to speak, and then that was when Shaak Tii, a Togruta Jedi Master interrupted him.

Plo Koon did not listen, for he could sense the possibility of an argument coming. There were always disagreements in the council, but eventually someone would have the final say, and Master Yoda was often the one who did.

Emi Takori is probably asleep in her chamber on the lower levels by now, I am pleased that she does not have to sit through this, he thought, remembering the time he spent with her in the archives. She was a pleasant girl with a passion for knowledge and strength despite her flaws. But perhaps there was still something she did not know about being part of the Jedi Order. The archives was a place he often went during his quiet time as well and he did not go there to follow her; but to do as he pleased.

It was a pleasure to speak to one like her indeed and his mind continued to shift towards her every time he tried to pay attention to what the council was discussing now. He never had been distracted until this night. Jedi were forbidden to form attachments closer than friendship and that was a rule in the code. He understood it since attachments like this would often lead to the fear of loss, seeking revenge for one's death who the individual was close to, and other paths that would lead to the dark side.

Even though he knew the code, there was something about Emi Takori that he liked. She has fire in her heart that is very certain. He had already got to know a little about her today, but he wanted to see her again. The council doesn't trust her except for Master Yoda and myself. In a way, I don't blame them from what I have heard Emi has done in the past; but since her passing of the trials, I know she certainly wants to become a better Jedi, he thought.

His thoughts were interrupted when Mace Windu spoke to him, "Master Plo, do you have any say on what the Separatists may be planning?"

Plo Koon had no choice to participate, "We know them well enough to know they are up to no good, but we have no news recently on what they have been doing. It is best that we wait until something happens."

After speaking, he hoped to remain silent for the rest of the meeting hoping no one else would speak to him. On normal occasions, he as able to get away with being silent for an entire meeting with the council. He was known to let others do the talking at times; he would only speak unless spoken to or if things seemed to not be going well such as the time he stood up for Emi earlier in the day.

He thought about Emi again, fast asleep in her bedchamber dreaming pleasantly. She deserves rest after just returning from taking the trials, may she have sweet dreams, he thought.

Emi must have been dreaming about peace in the galaxy or perhaps another chance to clash with General Grievous, knowing that she had survived a fair amount of encounters with him, from what she had told him in the archives. I worry about her life, just like I do for any other Jedi here, but why is it that I feel like I could be close to her? Perhaps because I am the only other than Yoda who understands her for the moment.

All those words he thought about saying but never spoke them. Tonight he did not feel like himself, since his meeting with Emi in the archives, and he hoped this one would be over soon.

An hour later, Mace Windu dismissed the council. It was late and Plo Koon guessed it was half past eleven or midnight. He departed the chamber in silence and rode the elevator down with the other Jedi Masters. Saesee Tiin glared at him once again but never thought to speak. He is not going to get over it is he? He thought disappointingly, and then he looked away from him and all the others around him in the cubicle until it reached the lower level.

The temple was dark and quiet at this hour; not roamed by many as it was during the light of day. He made his way down the corridor and into a door up against a wall at the very end. Beyond it the staircase took him down to an even lower level. The long corridor had many doors on each side, containing small bedchambers, for every Jedi in the temple. He found his own at the thirteenth door to his left and shut it behind him.

The room was small with a single bed, desk, and no window. Plo Koon hardly ever used this room; he found that he didn't need as much rest as others did but there were rare times when he felt like he needed it. He sat down on the bed and closed his eyes for a moment. Emi Takori was once again in his mind and it seemed she would be there until the morrow.

He thought about her for a long while until he became too tired to think. Then he removed his robe and slept.

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