Calm Before the Storm

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The sun rose bright and early the following morning. Emi Takori opened her eyes. She had slept peacefully last night, not even one dream had come to her, Jedi weren't supposed to dream but they all needed their rest.

She rose from the bed and donned her black Jedi gown, fastened her pink belt, slipped on her boots and clipped her lightsaber back in its place. Not a sound stirred from outside the room as she brushed her hair by the window. Perhaps Plo has fallen asleep as well, she thought as she went out the door.

Plo Koon stood out on the balcony looking at the dawn horizon. He was meditating and she could tell. Emi walked out onto the balcony beside him.

He turned to her, "Ah, good morning dear Emi, I sensed you slept well,"

She nodded, "Of course, because of you I feel more confident in myself. Last night, I will remember forever. I was scared to tell you that I loved you, but even the code can't change what's in my heart,"

Plo Koon took both her hands into his. "And I as well, but now I must request this, do not let this moment affect the mission to come. If fate forces us to go our separate ways for the good of the mission...can you promise me you'll go on?"

What he was asking was big, but Emi knew that even though she loved him, as a Jedi, she would have to let him go if it was necessary.

"I don't break promises and since you made me whole again, I will keep this one forever," She said.

Plo Koon seemed pleased and then he leaned towards her and his forehead was touching hers once again.

"I have faith in you until the day I die," He whispered and then he led her back inside towards the door.

They entered the elevator in the main corridor. "My clone legion shall meet us at the bottom," He informed her as they held hands while the elevator descended.

"Will I be commander?"

"You already are, dear Emi. Captain Wolffe will know you as Commander Takori. I have contacted him this morning to meet us here,"

Emi knew Wolffe but never spoke to him. He must have been the clone she saw as she ran out of the hangar the other day.

As they reached the lower level of the building, several Republic gunships came into view. Emi looked to see one with a wolf's face painted on it in the colours of Plo Koon's face.

"I like that idea, your enemies will always know you are coming,"

The gunship landed and several clones emerged with Captain Wolffe among them.

"We're ready to roll General Plo....oh.....Commander Takori, so you are joining us after all. No wonder the General told us to meet him here, you seem to be feeling better,"

Plo Koon let go of Emi's hand and his arm went around her shoulder, "She will be a valuable asset more than you realize Wolffe,"

Emi blushed,

"I had no doubts in that sir," Wolffe replied, "Shall we get going then?"

Plo Koon nodded and then he and Emi boarded the gunship.

The gunships departed for the military hangars. The inside of the gunship was tight quarters. Emi stood next to Plo Koon and held onto the bar. She couldn't wait to be on board the Venator Star Destroyer once again. She loved those ships with all their high technology, weapons, and just the space on there.

She remembered the last time she was on a Venator, one on her own command, returning to Coruscant to report success of her mission on Florrum. But en route, a Separatist fleet got in her way and she sensed that General Grievous was leading them. Due to her inexperience in commanding the fleet in a space battle, he outwitted her forces and weakened their defences until he was able to breach the bridge of the ship she was on and captured her. Emi didn't like remembering being Grievous's prisoner, but it was hard to forget. He had imprisoned her in a small cell. She was tortured and manipulated for a long time until the council knew she hadn't returned. Luminara and Kit had been sent to rescue her.

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