How You Met

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Ashton: You were up on a Saturday morning getting ready for work not looking forward to it .You dress casual and do a messy bun on yourself. You are working at the cashier and a curly haired , award winning smile guy comes up to pay. You said, "Hi , how are you?" And he said, "Wonderful thank you , how about you?" You said, Good thanks." You scan the clothes and said, "These clothes are pretty nice!" He then replies, "Thanks ,I have a friends summer party later on that I'm going to so I came for an outfit," he said grinning. "I have a summer party later on also," you said laughing. "Wait ,are we going to the same party?" "I'm going to my friends party, her name is ,(Y/F's/N)," you said. "Yeah I'm going to that one also, what a small world," he replies smiling. "Then I'll see you there, by the way my name is, (Y/N)." "I'm Ashton , hope to to see you there , (Y/N)!" Ashton then pays and gives you his number written in a small paper he put in between the money. You then realize you looked like crap in front of a hot guy ,but you couldn't stop smiling.

Calum: You decide to take your little sister to the beach. While you are at the beach you're playing ball with your sister. "Try to not hit to far," you said to your sister. You keep on playing and then your sister hits a boy around her age with the beach ball. You run up to the boy and said,"I'm sorry buddy, are you ok?" He nods with a smile. You look up to the guy the boy was with and stare for a few seconds because he was hella cute! "I apologize," "Oh no you don't have to, look at them they are playing together now!"he said laughing heavenly. "I'm Calum but you could call me cal, and you are?" he asked. "(Y/N)" You reply. "What a beautiful name you have." "Thanks," you said smiling. "So do you want to go for a walk on the pier?" Calum asked. "Could my sister come along?" "Sure , it looks like my little brother and your sister really get along!" He said laughing. You then, both walk on the pier talking, joking, and eating ice cream. "I have to go home now," Calum said. "That's okay ,I have to go also," you reply. "Thank you for hanging out with me, you're a really fun person," Calum said. "I really enjoyed it also," you said smiling."Can we do this again?" Calum said holding your hand. "I would love to," you said. You both then exchange numbers, hug, and say goodbye.

Michael: You were dying of hunger so you walk to McDonald's for food. When you stand in line a guy with colorful hair and gorgeous eyes stand behind you. You order your food quickly because the fact that there was a hot guy behind you made you nervous. When you waited for your food at a table you couldn't take your eyes off him. You go get your food and when your walking back your ketchup packages fall. You kneel down to pick them up but another hand touches yours picking them up for you. You look up blushing because it was the colorful hair dude and your hand was slightly touching his. Getting up you said," didn't have to." "You're welcome , and you probably did need my help because you had the tray of food with you," he said joking in a nice way. "Do you want to eat with me!" He said smiling. "Uhm..yeah sure," you reply feeling nervous but happy at the same time. When you both sat at a table he said, " I'm Michael but you could call me Mike or Mikey. "Well I'm (Y/N) and love McDonald's ," you said joking. Michael starts laughing and said, "I'm the same, you probably find me here everyday." "I also like bands," he adds. You tell him your favorite bands and find out that he listens to most of them. After talking ,eating, and getting to know each other , he walks you home. "Meet me tomorrow at McDonald's, same time," he said winking. "I will, here's my Twitter , message me for my number,"you said. You both hug and right when you enter your house, you get a message from Michael on Twitter. You scream because he had so much in common with you , was funny, and don't forget about those eyes of his!

Luke: It's a Friday night and you're getting ready to go to a gig with your friend. You put on your favorite shirt of the band with black jeans and converse. On the way to the venue you are more then excited to see your favorite band live! When you find your seat a cute guy is sitting next to you. He has perfectly blonde hair ,with sky blue eyes and right when you sit down he said, "Hello," with a wonderful smile. "Hi," you reply. "I like your shirt," he said . "Thank you, I love yours," you said noticing it was the same one as yours just in men and laughing Your friend then whispers to you , "someone had a crush!!" "Shut it (Y/F's/N), you said giggling. The countdown begins till the band comes on stage, you start yelling and screaming so loud the guy with the same shirt as you is laughing. "You must love them so much," he said. "Yes I do, very much." "My name is(Y/N)," you said . I'm Luke but I like to call myself a penguin," he said. "A penguin?" you ask him. "I'll tell you more later," he said. The music starts and you're dancing with your friend , singing as loud as you can. Luke then starts singing with you and dancing so cute. When you wave your hands up in the air while dancing, he grabs them and puts his hands up in the air. Throughout the concert you guys are talking and dancing. After the gig. He walked you and your friend to the car. "You are really fun and pretty, (Y/N)," he said." Oh Luke thank you , you are really fun also!" you reply. "Do you want to come to my place?" Luke asked. "Go ahead (Y/N), I'll go home," your friend said winking. "Ok sounds great!" You said. After playing Fifa at Luke's house and eating pizza you become best friends instantly.

  I hope you liked it😄💗  I update regularly so stay tuned for more!Comment and share if you like💫

And if you've watched The Outsiders or like them go check out my sister's preferences on The Outsiders LoveFoerever shes an amazing writer 💞
xxx -amy

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