Together On A Rainy Day

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Michael: You run downstairs to get the door and almost slip since you had your long soft socks on. When you opened the door Michael was there and you started laughing.
"Mikey!?" "You're soaking wet!"

"I still have clean clothes here , right?"

"Yeah yeah , come in!" "Here's a towel and your clothes babe," you said sorta laughing.

"I hope you don't get sick Michael ."

"I knew it would start raining but I wanted to see you." "So I'll order pizza now."

"I'll make the milkshakes then!"

While Michael ordered the pizza you were busy making the milkshakes. Your parents call and said they would be working late, totally fine with you.

You and Michael take the food to the living room and get a blanket.

"What do you want to watch Mike?"

"Anime is always the answer."

You got comfortable with Michael in your couch while he gave you a bit of his pizza and you gave him a bite of yours. When there was thunder Michael snuggled you in closer to his chest. You don't remember what happened next since you both feel asleep together. You only remember hearing the sound of the rain and the drifting away to sleep.

"Michael, babe."

"How long has it been?"

"Yeah we feel asleep," you said giggling.

Michael pulled you down to keep snuggling while he gave you a kiss.

Ashton: You and Ashton were shopping together in downtown Sydney . You loved gloomy days ,especially today.

"Looks like it might rain Ash."

"Then we'll get wet together."

"What if I get sick?"

"Then I'll take care of you."

You saw lightning and felt a drop on your face.

"Should we start going," you said.

"Yeah , sure babe."

Just when you were walking back to the car, that was like a block away,  it starts raining a lot.

"Let's run!"

"Ahhh, Ash you run to fast," you said laughing.

You pass by the fountains that shoot water from the ground, Ashton grabs your hand and you both go through the water.

"Ashton, I'm getting you back!"
You jump on a puddle and it splashes on him.

He carries you up on his back and he goes through the water again.

"I bet my makeup is all over my face."

"You're beautiful either way," Ashton said as you jumped off his back. He puts his arm across your waist while you start walking back to the car again.

"Everyone must be looking at how wet we are," you said laughing.

Ashton turns to you and gives you a kiss on your cold lips, feeling the rain running down both of you.

Calum: You were over at Calum's playing with you dogs since you had brought them with you, Calum just loves your dogs a lot. Both of you were in pajamas because it was a cold and rainy day.

"Hey cal let's make cupcakes."

"Only if they're chocolate."

"You got it!"

Calum gives you a piggy back ride to the kitchen and you start getting the ingredients.

"Anything else you need babe?"

"Mmm the eggs," you replied.
When Calum gets the eggs, he drops them on the floor.

"You distracted me with your beautiful face."

"I'll clean it up cal, you can get the milk," you said giggling.

While you're trying to clean the slippery floor , you fall and get egg all over you. Calum starts laughing and helps you up.

"You wanna laugh babe?" You asked grinning.

"Yeah , with you."

You grab a handful of cupcake mix and blow it at Calum.

"You want a hug , come over here."
You run up to Calum and hug him, putting egg all over him and Calum getting cupcake mix on you.

"Might as well wash it off with the rain," Calum said joking. He runs out the door , spinning in the rain and you join him.

"I'll hold you tight straight through the daylight or rain," Calum said hugging you in the rain.

"I love you cal."

Luke: You and Luke were out at the fair .

"Where's the taco truck?" Luke asked.

"Are you always looking for the taco truck?" You said laughing.

"Maybe..." He said kissing your forehead.

"Let's get on the Ferris wheel lukey!"
While you were getting on, it starts raining but you still decide to get on.

"Did you know that without you I would be a lost boy?" You were officially at the top and you could feel the wind blowing the rain against you.

"I'm the luckiest girl ever," you said holding Luke's hand.

"Wanna get tacos now?"

"For sure."

You got off the Ferris wheel and walked towards the taco truck.

"Are you cold babe?"

"Just a little bit but I'm okay." You replied.

"Here take my jacket,"Luke said putting it on for you.

You both order your tacos and race to the car because it was raining hard.

"Woah , I'm soaked," you said.

Luke runs his fingers through your wet hair, smiling at you.
"Don't worry babe, we'll dry up and snuggle together."

"Hey and we have tacos."

Both of you changed and you stayed at Luke's house.

"Movie night?"

"Let's watch the Simpsons Luke!!"
You eat and laugh while watching the Simpsons.

"It's raining even more!" "We got lucky then," Luke said holding you tight while you had your arm across him.

Hello!!❤️ I hope all of you enjoyed this long one!! Finally a longer one again,lol. If you prefer longer or shorter let me know😊
• Thank you so much for 510+ reads , that wouldn't be possible without you💗I seriously mean it.
•requests are always open💫
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•check out my sisters preferences on The Outsiders LoveFoerever I'm sure you'll like them! Xx

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