18 Fair Kindness

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I'm so excited because today we have some training with Captain Toothiana. She's maybe annoyingly cheerful sometimes but she's a great Captain who knows a lot despite of her girly looks and behavior.

"What do you think that we can try out today?" Punzie whispered and tried to conceal her enthusiasm.

"Maybe some shooting?" Merida questioned.

"We had that last week. I hope that we can drive a vehicle today," I mumbled out.

"I think it's some track exercise," Astrid said and then quieted down. She nodded towards the barrack area and we see how Captain Toothiana is approaching the training field.

Quickly we all lined up and saluted her.

"At ease. Today we'll walk to the sand fields and have something for you to do... better try it out before the ground gets too chilly and hard," she said mysteriously.

We began following her lead and I kept on wondering what we should do. Once we got on the scene Captain Toothiana pulled away a blanket which was resting on the ground. There were shovels for each one of us.

"Take one and then I want you to dig a hole of your size, you should be able to stand inside it and not be seen," she ordered and went to sit on a chair.

"Pick a spot and better start digging!" She giggled.

I look at the army green shovel and I sigh when I go to pick my spot which turned out to be next to Punzies. Punzie pushed her shovel to the sandy like earth and began digging. I did it as well and I realize that the ground was already a bit chilled since it was late October. Unfortunately we couldn't do some fast and furious exercise but we ended up digging our own holes. Literally.

"My shoulders are getting numb," Merida groaned when I was halfway done with my hole after digging a good two hours. It was hard since the walls were collapsing down time to time.

"Try just digging it and not complaining so much," Captain Toothiana said caringly as she brought everyone a water bottle which we took from her with gratitude.

I took a sip from my bottle. Even though it was getting into late autumn the sun was shining in the middle of the day. Also it was annoying to get dust all over you and inside your lungs. Gladly the water felt cleansing.

After two more hours and making sure the walls of the hole were strong enough and collapsing by pressing them tight I climb out from the hole. Then I stand in front of mine and wait while others finish theirs.

Next one to climb out was Astrid, she was always stronger when I was fastest. Next Merida came out from hers and soon after her Punzie.

"We're ready Ma'am!" We shouted in unison and Captain Toothiana stood up and came to examine our holes.

She was circling around the holes and her eyes stared into them keenly. Finally she came to stand in front of us.

"Every soldier needs to learn to dig a hole for their protection, usually even smaller one can be your salvation and by doing it properly you won't have walls collapsing on you and suffocating you," Captain Toothiana began explaining.

Then she was quiet and we all were anxiously waiting. My hands were sweaty behind my back.

"I think they are good. Now climb inside your hole and don't come out before dinner bell which is after two hours," Captain Toothiana ordered.

"Yes Ma'am!" We replied as we jumped down to our holes.

"See you girls later," Captain Toothiana cheered as she left.

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