28 Photos from Past

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POV Eugene

I still can't believe this, not after two days. The first mission of ours was disaster, I had nightmares for a week. Well, then Elsa came back to our squad but she wasn't alone. It was like we were walking in the middle of bomb field. The bomb field I'm referring to are our Captain's nerves.

Yeah, that's right. Our squad got a new member. Colonel Moon said that it is only for some limited time and I hope that time runs out fast. Now our Captain is about to pop out a vein from his forehead while he is trying to teach the newcomer and not to explode like a nuke.

"For fucks sake Arendelle, put the safety on when you throw that rifle on your shoulder," Captain flinched as the guns barrel pointed at him for few seconds.

"Alrighty then!" She giggled and took the gun from her shoulder again. This time me and Hiro had to jump to lay down. And not a moment too soon, she accidentally fired her weapon.

"Are you trying to kill someone!" Captain Frost shouted. He had used his ice power to stop the bullet by creating some wind against its direction.

"Oops?" She grinned and shrugged her shoulders. Then she narrowed her eyes, "I'm just making sure that nothing wrong happens again."

"I apologize for my sister," Elsa ran to face the Captain. She had taken the lead with Hiccup. We were running in pairs, Captain paired with Elsa's sister. A girl with strawberry blonde hair and bubbly, cheerful attitude.

Captain rubbed his forehead and sighed. "Twenty pushups everyone. Then go to eat something," he mumbled and left.

"Don't you find it interesting that Elsa's sister got into a squad of soldiers? I doubt it's just because they are richer," Hiro whispered to my ear.

"To be honest... nothing surprises me after dealing with that black sand," I mumbled.

"I don't know what you complained Elsa! This is some nice exercise!" Anna laughed and was doing her pushups. Her hair was tied into double braids.

"Ngh, I didn't complain about this... you know," Elsa muttered. She was struggling because her wounds were still healing.

"Oh yeah, you were complaining about that Captain of yours," Anna said in somewhat teasing manner.

"Our Captain," Elsa groaned and did the last push up.

"Let's head to eat," Hiro cheered after getting his pushups done.

The Mess barrack was really crowded so we ate fast to give room for other people. I parted ways with Hiro afterwards. He was going to meet up with GoGo but I needed to lay down for a moment. That's what you get from eating yourself too full.

I glance up when snowflakes began to slowly rain down. There's something beautiful in the sight, it's like everything stops as the flake gently floats down. But it's freaking cold so I need to lift up my collar.

It is dark and only the lamp posts give light in the outside. I just passed the barrack where our showers are when I noticed something moving near Captain's barrack. After taking a closer look a smile spread to my face.

"Hey! Rapunzel!" I called her. She was trying to stand on her toes and peek inside from the window. I approached her and her eyes widened, she hushed me quickly. Strange.

"What are you doing?" I asked while nodding towards the barrack.

"I saw Elsa going in with Anna. I got curious, why would they go in there?" She asked curiously.

I shrugged, "Maybe because Anna was messing up our practice. Elsa gets preaching because of it?"

Then I sighed and continued, "To be honest I have no idea but nothing good probably. Why are you so interested anyway?"

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