35 Fear the Black

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Only traces of fear were left on North's secret hideout which turned out not to be such a secret anymore. Everyone was frightened, how were they found and what should they do now? And the worst part is that everyone doubts everyone. The mole had left a scar inside the lines who would be the only ones able to fight against the nightmarish troops of Pitch Black. Pitch Black who as well was a traitor like Rapunzel Corona.

Elsa walked past of people who were quietly whispering inside North's workshop. She was as well thought as filth in the crowd just because she was before the appreciated partner of Captain Frost. However it all changed that night a week ago when all the Captains were lured out from their hideout and turned into puppets of someone terrible.

It was like everyone was now afraid that Elsa's eyes might turn blacker than the abyss and she would attack before joining the rest of their most powerful allies, allies that left them. First two days had been a mess, people were planning on leaving the place but that was when Colonel Moon had stand out, saying that the enemy would've attacked and destroyed them all already. Then at least most of them remained and only some left but even the ones that stayed had a place for fear in their hearts now. And fear was the fuel for Pitch Black's creatures.

A guy with striking red hair and skinny tall body was searching around the main building. He had a yellow scarf around his neck, it was popping up from the green army uniform which he was wearing. While passing a mirror he paused and took couple steps back, he glanced at his reflection and grinned. His hands brushed over his red hair and he corrected the blue stripe of hair which hang over his forehead.

"Man you look great!" He whistled to the mirror as he began to make poses. His dark brown eyes were sparkling while he stared at himself.

He didn't notice the girl who was carefully analyzing the whole situation. Elsa had never seen that guy before and now he was there, staring at himself in the mirror and speaking like he was full of himself. Maybe it's another mole? She thought as she peeked from behind the corner to the hallway.

"He is wearing a uniform," Elsa whispered to herself.

"HEY! What's up!" Hiccup cheered and patted Elsa's back. It made her jump forward and now she faced the stranger.

"Hiccup!" Elsa groaned.

"Oh! Would you two help me out?" The redhaired guy asked after correcting his composure.

"Didn't see you there. How could I help you...mr... Fa?" Hiccup questioned while he narrowed his eyes to read the nametag on the unfamiliar persons chest. Now he knew why Elsa was looking like she was sneaking around.

"I'm looking for a soldier named Arendelle, Elsa. Colonel Moon asked to see her," he grinned.

"I'm Elsa," Elsa mumbled and she flinched when the guy grinned creepily.

"Okay! Goodie then. Let's get going!" He laughed and took Elsa's hand.

Hiccup was standing on his place in confusion. "What was up with that scarf anyway," he mumbled after Elsa and the guy vanished into outdoors.

Elsa was being led towards the portable command center and in the middle of the way she pulled her hand free.

"Who are you anyway!" Elsa demanded.

"Oh, excuse me for not introducing myself sooner," the guy gasped and turned around to face the fierce looking girl.

"I am the powerful, the pleasurable, the indestructible Mushu," he said in overdone manner, leaving Elsa to stare at him in misbelieve before bursting into laughter.

"Haha, laugh all that you want but we better get to Colonel before he gets mad," Mushu muttered and started pacing grumpily towards the command centre.

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