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Song for this chapter:

Up In Here by DMX

Long Way 2 Go by Cassie


The overwhelming feeling that everything was going to go absolutely wrong remained in the pit of my stomach as all of us slipped past the front door. An annoyed but yet shaky breath escaped my lips since I was the last one to walk out of the front door. Looking back into the building, contemplating being a good little girl and staying home, I noticed downstairs was completely vacant and it didn't seem like we awoke Constance.

"Sorry, Constance," I mumbled only so I could hear before closing the front door. The rest of the girls were already out front, gathered around the ugly, white and bulky transport van. 'Richdale Academy for Girls' was on the side in big pink letters and under them was a call number and a picture of Constance grinning like a saint. God! I hated that van! As if the letters weren't already in the Comic Sans font, Constance just had to put her face on it to make everything even lamer! I loved the woman, but she was way too cheesy for her own sake.

"Why can't I drive!? I'm the only one who knows exactly where we're going," Channing argued as Primrose tried to reach for the van keys. The new girl held them over her head so no one could get them as she pleaded her case. "I have you know that I'm an amazing driver! Just a few weeks ago, I stole this guy's car and raced a few old f-ckboys from high school! Guess who won!? Me! Sure, it may have ended in a fiery, nearly deadly crash but I'm still here!"

"On that note, you're definitely not driving, b-tch," Shea jumped in as she stood in front of Primrose. Unlike the other girl, she wasn't jumping up and down, or doing gymnastics to try to get the keys. She put her hands on her hips and stared at Channing instead. Shea gave her a stare that she gave everyone for them to give into her every need. It wasn't seductive, or cute, it was actually frightening. The way her upper lip curved up and her eyes squinted sent fear through the bodies of the people who the stare was directed to.

Channing blew her lips and chuckled a bit as if she wasn't fazed, but I could hear the slight nervousness in her laugh. "Fine. You can have the keys, but only because you're partially black and my people have oppressed your people for far too long." With a slight smirk, the keys were handed over to Shea, who snatched them with much attitude. Channing could really be a d-ck.

"Keep f-cking with me and you won't survive week two, white b-tch," Shea threatened.

"Keep f-cking with me with that attitude and I might just have to literally f-ck with you," Channing flirted back mindlessly. My face scrunched up in frustration. How could one person be so unpleasant? She was blessed with such good looks just to be a f-cking asshole.

Shea gave Channing the middle finger before handing over the keys to the responsible Primrose. We finally all piled into the horrendous van. To give directions, Channing got in the passenger's seat. Nearly the whole ride, she nodded her head and annoyingly whistled along to all the songs that played on the radio. It wasn't annoying only me but everyone else. No matter what station Primrose changed to the girl found a way to be a nuisance and whistle to each song. For someone who could never whistle, I was impressed, jealous and frustrated all at the same time.

The bar Channing took us to was nothing like I expected it to be. I expected a bunch of stupid, underage kids smoking cigarettes and sipping beer, or a place full of asshole adults who still thought they were teenagers. Instead, the bar was bright, lit up and filled with people who seemed to be between the ages of twenty one and twenty-five. They were a couple younger individuals but they were all served alcohol as if they were of age.

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