☁ 13

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Song for this Chapter: Safe and Sound - Capital Cities


To my surprise, Blair actually decided to lay in bed with me. I half expected her to roll her eyes and walk out upon my request but instead, she gave me a soft smile and laid back down beside me. She even cuddled into me and I wasted no time to put my arm around her. Quite honestly, all I wanted to do was sleep with her—in a nonsexual way. It was a peculiar thing. Of course she attracted me and she could turn me on beyond measure by just one suggestive glance, but I just wanted to lay in my bed and chill with her. I wanted to hold her and whisper sweet things, which was weird for me. Usually, all I wanted to do was f-ck and whisper dirty things when I had girls in my bed, but tonight was just the opposite.

We laid there beside each other in silence for the longest time. It was so quiet that I had actually thought maybe Blair had fallen asleep, but when I looked down at my chest, she was just lying there and staring at the wall. She seemed deep in thought and not in a good way. The way her eyebrows frowned up and how distant her eyes were, it seemed like something was troubling her. I was about to ask her what was wrong, but she opened her mouth to speak before I could. "Do you ever just think about the past? About all the dumb sh-t you've done? The regrets? The people who has vanished out of our life?"

So badly I wanted to tell Blair that I did. I wanted to tell her just how much I missed Violet sometimes and how I went through random spells of the love sickness for her, but my mouth remained closed. Mentioning Violet to Blair didn't seem like a smart thing to do. She'd probably either take it the wrong way or she'd just push me away. So instead of answering, I rubbed her back soothingly and lent down to kiss her forehead. A slight smile came onto her lips and her eyes closed. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes as well. I laid there with my eyes shut thinking about anything from Violet to Blair, to how Chase was holding up in jail to whether my parents missed my problematic ass until I fell asleep.

I'm not sure how long I was asleep, but I woke up abruptly (made) in the AM by a bunch of movement beside me and a loud outcry. I sat straight up in and looked to the left of me. Beside me Blair was flailing in the bed and letting out a terrified scream. Sweat was pouring down her body and her eyes were still closed shut. I knew exactly what was going on. A night terror. Sometimes when Cullen stayed the night, he had them. He would scream, kick, thrash and cry and it was up to me to console him. Afterwards, I always held him when he cried. The next morning, we always acted like nothing ever happened but I knew he was thankful for me always being there for him whenever he got like that.

Therefore when I saw Blair freaking out, I didn't have a hard reaction. Instead, I rubbed her shoulder to wake her and shushed her calmly. "Blair, it's okay," I told her as evenly as I could. It was like she didn't even hear me, she was still crying and flailing at something. She was inconsolable. It must've been a pretty bad and realistic dream.

"No...no...no," she screamed repeatedly to whomever or whatever was in her dream. I tried shaking at her and even screamed out her name, but it was like I was nonexistent so I just watched her. After a while her screams turned into whispers. She was breathing heavily but she had stopped kicking and clawing at the air. It took her a few minutes until she seemed to be completely out of it. When she was, her eyes opened wide and she sat up quickly.

"Are you okay," I asked her with worry.

Instead of answering, she brought her knees up and rested her arms upon them. She buried her face into her arms and then all I could hear was sobbing. Her body shook tremendously from how hard she was crying. I had never seen someone cry so hard in my life. It broke my heart and it was one of those things where I couldn't help but shed a tear too. I wasn't even sure why she was crying but I didn't like seeing her that way at all.

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