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Channing had been here for a total of thirty one days. The whole month she had been here we were getting to know each other as she also got to know everyone else. Nothing had changed. Her attitude was still the same. She was still loud, arrogant and somewhat rude, but the more the days passed by the more passive her behavior was to me. I got used to her being obnoxious and she went from being completely annoying to absolutely endearing. My small crush on her was obvious between the girls. Whenever we were hanging together, they awkwardly and distinctly made a way for Channing and I to be by each other.

It was sweet and cute of them to be so considerate of my crush but it was also embarrassing. At lunch, Channing came in late and had to sit in-between Sterling and Adriana. As if to make things awkward, Adriana jumped right up and asked me to switch seats. Channing laughed and found the whole ordeal funny but my cheeks were a hot red once I forcefully exchanged seats with Adriana. When I sat down beside Channing she gave me a wink before looking down at the grilled cheese sandwich that was on her plate. She was about to take a bite until Constance worriedly rushed into the dining room.

"You look like you just saw a ghost, Velma," Channing commented before taking an unnecessarily huge bite out of her sandwich. She chewed the sandwich with much exaggeration and I rolled my eyes as her perfect jaw moved aggressively. No way was she that hungry!

Without a word, Constance rushed to the glass door in the kitchen to look out to the backyard. That's when everyone noticed why she was so pale and looked so worry. Outside, in the usual sunny and bright California, dark clouds like ones that I've never seen filled the sky. For it to be noon, the light outside was reminiscent of the evening. "What's going on," Constance turned to ask us as if we were all meteorologists. Channing just shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly and took another bite of her sandwich. How was she not worried about this? It literally looked like the end of the world outside. Birds were flying away as if they're lives depended on it and the annoying squirrels that usually stayed in our backyard were nowhere to be found. There was definitely something weird going on.

When no one answered Constance she rushed into the living room to turn on the television. Soon, the loud television could be heard and Bob Herbert, the best meteorologist in our area, was telling us all about what was about to go down. From what I heard, we had a big storm coming later in the evening. Rain was going to be optimal with severe thunderstorms, and there was even expectancy of hail. Even the weatherman himself looked scared sh-tless and he stated that this storm was going to go down in California history.

My heart skipped a beat and a sour taste came into my mouth. My stomach twirled as I grabbed it with a frown. Thunderstorms were never my thing and luckily they rarely happened here but this storm seemed like a big thing. It looked horrific outside and nothing hadn't even happened yet. Channing must've noticed my discomfort because she chuckled lightly before opening her mouth. "You're not scared, are you," she asked me as she nudged me with my arm. I pressed my lips together and shook my head with pride. No way was I going to mention to her or anyone else that I was scared sh-tless.

"Well, I don't know about you but I'm scared as f-ck! How the hell are we going to have a huge and severe thunderstorm!? It's f-cking California. We do earthquakes! Not loud ass claps of thunder and electrifying lightning bolts," Shea complained out loud. Her eyes shifted to each person rapidly as she moved her lips. The shakiness in her voice told me that she was truly frightened of what was to come later.

"Tell me about it," Presley said as she literally filed her nails at the table. Her eyes rolled as she looked up at the ceiling. She smacked her lips with annoyance before talking again. "This sh-t sucks. Why does thundering and lightning even exist? How the f-ck does it even happen?"

"Well, it all happens within a thundercloud. Small bits of ice, which are really frozen raindrops kind of bump into each other as they move around in the atmosphere. The collisions create an electric charge. After the while, the whole cloud fills up with electrical charges and then you have your lightning," Primrose quipped as she adjusted her glasses. Of course she would be the only one who took Presley seriously.

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