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Songs for this chapter:

The Night is Still Young - Nicki Minaj

Live While We're Young - One Direction


Channing was a very unique individual with a tongue as sharp as a knife. Before she even arrived on Richdale soil, I had saw her on the local news channel with the rest of the girls. Constance forced us to watch the news every night, but it was always either boring or depressing, until the short haired, rambunctious teen showed up on the screen. Her little stunt was perfectly executed at just the right time. People all over the world replayed the video over and over again on social media. It was all over Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr and YouTube. She was like the next sensation.

The joke being absolutely hilarious and unexpected wasn't the only thing that made the video so popular. It was however, her attractive, androgynous looks. That desirable wink and that sensual grin at the end of her little announcement sent girls all over the world into a sexual overdrive. Straight girls were questioning if they truly were straight and ready to experiment on any girl who looked remotely close to the daring Channing Blackwood. Lesbians, like myself, and bisexual women swooned and quickly began trying to find her social media account. Within a few hours, her name was known and her Twitter notifications were blowing up.

Being attracted to her myself, I was guilty of going through some of her tweets. Most of them were very opinionated against the government, others were about how much she loved marijuana while the rest were random, explicit lyrics and her own personal statements. She seemed intelligent but also really f-cking dumb at the same time. Either way, it was obvious that she was nothing but trouble. Even with her gorgeous face and pleasing body, I knew I couldn't get too caught up with her. No matter how many suggestive glares she kept giving me across the dinner table.

After talking out on the lawn, Constance had finally finished dinner. It smelled lovely. Since we had a new member, she cooked up something nice and elegant. Tonight we were having steak, mashed potatoes and vegetables. We all dug in at the dinner table, but Constance had went and shut herself in her office as usual with her dinner. She was way into her evening television shows that it was comical. The way she talked about some of the characters were almost as if she literally knew them. Last week, she told me someone was pregnant and she was super excited. I thought it was maybe a cousin of hers or something, but it was just someone from one her stupid shows. Obsession was an understatement.

"So, is it like this every night?" I looked up towards the ravishing girl with the tantalizing voice. Even though she asked the question to everyone at the table, her crystal blue, mesmerizing eyes were focused on me. Her lips curved up to one side slightly as she stared straight towards me.

"Yes," I replied to her since no one else had said a word. The other girls were too busy munching on the scrumptious meal that Constance had prepared. I admit that the dish was tasty, but I thought that I could do much better. I've been cooking since I could remember and I was pretty damn good at it. There wasn't a recipe that I had ever failed to complete exceptionally.

To help out around the house, I usually cooked breakfast, lunch or dinner whenever Constance didn't have the time. Tonight, however, I guess she wanted the kitchen to herself since it was such a special occasion. It was rare that a new girl ever came to Richdale. Zoe was the last girl to join before Channing and that was a few months ago. It's been just the nine of us for a while, but now there was ten.

"Well, that's boring," Channing replied before scooping a spoonful of mashed potatoes into her mouth. I took a sip of my water and gave her a nonchalant shrug. When I first came to Richdale, it was almost like torture but once I got to know the girls, the residence had gotten nothing but better. I was able to be free and be myself here. Constance's guidance had really helped me channel out some of the anger I had for my step-b-tch-even though there was plenty still there-and helped me cope even more with my mother's death. "What about during the day? What do you guys do," the gorgeous girl continued to question.

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