Part 5

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When I arrived home i noticed that my mom was still not home which means she was at work still. My mom is the only one who is bringing money into the house since my dad left us for some slut.

I offer to get a job but she's afraid ill get hurt and that its not my responsibility to bring money in. My father offers money to help out but my mom wont except it until its her last resort. I wish she would stop being so concerned about me but I guess any mom would be. She knows about me leaving in a few months but she's hoping ill change my mind. I don't think I will but you never know i might change my mind.

When I realized she wouldn't be home for a long while i decided to go to bed. I curled up in a ball after taking a shower and changing into my pajamas.

As I laid there in bed I thought about Elijah's mom and how she may or may not survive. I wish this wasn't an act since she will be heart broken when I leave or we breakup or even if he told her the truth about how this was all going to be fake.

I didn't want to have a fake relationship before I leave but I do want something like a true relationship. Ill just have to live with what I can get for now. Just maybe everything will work out as planned.

Me being gone with know one caring other than my mom and maybe Elijah's mom.

Elijah's mom surviving and living more long happy lives with her kids.

Elijah going on with his life forgetting my existence.

Everyone at school being happy.

With that last thought I let my mind and body slip into the darkness.

"Sienna honey. Its time to get up." my moms voice echoed through the room. She walked over time my now siting figure. She sat on my bed as I got up and went to change for school. When I came back she was still sitting on my bed.

"Guess what! I got all the money you need for..." she exclaimed

"Mom I-" I was interrupted

"But then you don't have to leave me. Since I got all the money. Here" She said as she started to grab something from her pocket.

"I don't want the money" I shouted as I stormed out of the room. I cant take her getting upset when I wouldn't except what she is giving. I hated to see her cry and I knew that it was going to go there soon.

As I rushed down the stars I clashed into a chest. We both went tumbling to the floor. I landed on the person who mysteriously is in my house. I looked up at the culprit only to come face to face with Elijah. I tried to get up but his arms were looped around my waist and were holding me close to his body.

"What the heck? Elijah what are you doing here?"

"Well I came to pick my girlfriend up for school." he groaned as we both got back up.

"Okay? Well lets go then" I said as I walked to the front door and lead both of us out before my mom could come down and beg me to reconsider.

Once we got to school I tried to leave but failed when Elijah's hands slithered around my waist bringing me to a halt. I was pulled into his chest and have him put his head on my shoulder nuzzling into my neck.

"Hey Eli. Who is this chic?" Some one said. I snapped my head to the side only to see three guys.

"Hey Brandon. This chic is my girlfriend." I watched as Brandon, Drake and Luke all gaped at Elijah.

" Alright man. Once your done with her can I tap that?" The player of the school Ryder said wiggling his eyebrows in suggestion as he sauntered up to. I backed up closer to Elijah for protection.

Next thing I knew Elijah had pushed me over to Luke who has a arm slung across my shoulders as to say 'I got ya don't worry'. I looked at Elijah and he was holding Ryder up by his shirt against the wall with a deathly glare.

"Don't you ever go near my girl or think about going near her. If you ever hurt her in any way possible I will beat you to a bloody pulp. She is mine and only mine. Got that?" Elijah growled at Ryder. Ryder just glared at Elijah.

"I asked if you understood" Elijah shouted

"Na I think ill take the chances and when your not looking Ill fuck her so hard she will feel me in her for weeks." Ryder sneered looking over Elijah at me with a look I didn't like. I whimpered and tried to get closer to Luke as he wrapped me in a hug and pulled me away from the area.

"Don't worry. Eli will take care of him. We wont let him touch you. Okay?" Luke asked. I nodded as we stopped at my locker. I sighed as I saw Sabrina and her gang coming to me. Luke had gotten a call so he walked a little down the hall for privacy.

"Shit" I mumbled before slamming my locker shut and turning to leave only to be stopped by queen Bitch.

"So Sienna where is Elijah hmmm? Did he brake up with you already? OMG or are you cheating on him? Ooooh you little skank. Cheating on Elijah with his best friend! God I cant wait for how he's going to dump you like a sac of potato's." She sneered as her 'friends' all giggled. "Just leave so everyone can be happy for god sake. Everyone hates you! Go die or something you worthless piece of shit." She glared at me as she turned and walked away. I tried to hold back the tears as my thoughts consumed me. I took of running in the opposite direction of Luke and Sabrina. I just want to be alone and not have anybody see me break.

As I ran I couldn't stop. I know it was bad for me to be doing so much but I just couldn't stop.

I felt the tears slide down my face one by one.

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