Gretel's story (cont'd)

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That's when you understand that you can only fear death if have something to lose. When you lost everything, what is there else to be afraid of?

We were out there, in the wild, struggling to survive from daybreak to dusk, but also during the dark, chilly night.

The sick monsters weren't the only threat; there were the night predators, the snakes, the spiders, the thunderstorms, the hunger, the lack of hope, and the last was our worst enemy. How to keep moving on when all hope had dried out?

We met many others like us on the roads. Some of them gave us a helping hand, but others assaulted us, hurt us, robbed us from the few supplies we had.

We could never distinguish the good from the bad ones.

"We have to avoid them," one of us said.

We all agreed, but that was also very unfair. There was plenty of good souls left in the world, but why should we take our chances?

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