And They Call It Fatherly Love

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"Why, the hell, would I be dead?" Tomato-Head asks with a confused expression.

"Well let's see. You're as cold as a stone statue in snow and you had no damn pulse. What was I supposed to think? That you- HEY!" Before I get to finish my rant, he grabs my waist and pins me to the sofa. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" I ask him whist wriggling to get away from him.

"What am I doing?" he smirks. "Well, I thought you'd already know. I'm about to take you, of course." He suddenly starts leaning towards my neck.

"Oh no, you don't!" This perv thinks I'm that easy? HA! I hold him away with my left hand and ready a punch to his eye with my right when we both hear someone speak.

"Ayato, what's all of the commotion down here?"

Tomato-Head curses at the sound. "Dammit it's Reiji."

You should be thanking him. Two more seconds and you would be clutching your eye in pain you little bugger.

"Should I remind you that this is our entrance hall? Where we greet our guests. Please take your activities to your private room." I manage to place a face to the voice. He's tall with his school uniform pristine and perfect. He has black hair which is neat and he has square glasses that frame piecing red eyes.

Why would you wear coloured contacts when you have glasses? I ask silently in my head not wanting to offend him. He looks like a person who would give you mountains of work to do if you annoy him.

"Oh whatever. You're such a buzzkill." Tomato-Head, or should I say Ayato, sighs in bothersome surrender and lifts his weight off of me. I take this chance to get off the sofa away from him.

"Well thank the Lord for that!" I remark.
Benson turns his gaze to me. "And who might you be?" He asks.
"I'm Eliza Lampton. My father has sent me to live here since he is working where I cannot be." I answer politely whilst re-adjusting my cap.

"Why wasn't I informed about this?" Benson, or should I say Reiji, asks himself.
I don't know mate. It's your damn house.
"Ayato, explain this to me." He commands.

"How would I know? This is new to me too. You never told me you would be moving in with us Choco-Pan." Ayato justifies himself.
"That's because you attacked me out of nowhere, Tomato-Head!" I retaliate while he turns his head away like a spoiled little brat. "And what the hell do you mean by 'Choco-Pan'?"
"What the hell do you mean by Tomato-Head?" We stare each other down for a while before Reiji speaks up.

"Well this is rather strange. I don't see why I wasn't informed about this matter. We shall discuss this at a different place. Follow me." He starts to walk away. "Please take her luggage to her room" He calls out at no-one in particular.

I turn around to find a grey-haired man taking my bags and then disappearing into the shadows.

Giving Ayato one last dirty look, I spin around and follow Reiji.


I sit in the middle of the largest sofa in the room. To my right is Ayato, to my left is a seat that inhabits no-one. A low table is in front of me with Reiji standing behind.

"Now." Reiji's voice brings me to attention. "Tell us who you are and how you came to enter this house."

I take a relaxing breath, "My name is-" I get cut off by a chuckle coming from up high above us.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" Another voice says. "Could it be that a cute little human girl has decided to visit?"

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