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"One of these days I'm going to end up running Subaru's knife through them all." I grumble to myself, making a mental note.

Not only are the brothers sadistic, they also have a sense of humour that's on a different level to mine. I hid in a small compartment of a random desk for at least half an hour before I heard Laito saying.

"Little Bitch? You can come out now. Shu said that we're no allowed to suck your sweet blood. Maybe some other time?" He gives his signature chuckle at the thought.

I'm not in a particularly good mood after that stunt.

"All I want to do is sleep for a week." I sigh to myself as I tie my hair up in a bun for the night.

"Not a good thing to say when you've just defied death." A voice says from behind.

"How many times do I have to tell you to NOT poof into my room?" I turn around and meet Ayato's eyes.

"About the same amount of times that I tell you that Yours-Truly can go wherever he likes." He answers as he steps closer to me.

"Is there a reason for this, Ayato?" I ask with a tired sigh.

"I thought you might want this back." He says as he holds something up for me to see.

I give a happy gasp. "My rosary! You got it after I left it." I say as I gratefully take the object and fasten it around my neck. I decide to tease him a little. "Are you going soft, Ayato?"

He scoffs. "Me? Soft? Seems like you're as dumb as a pancake as well."

"At least I'm smarter than you, Tomato-Head."

"Watch your mouth." He warns as he grabs my elbow.

"Nah-ah, Shu said that you can't suck my blood." I say with a smirk.

"Shit." He swears as he remembers. He starts to walk away. "Come with me, Reiji wants all of us."

"Ayato, I'm in a tank top and pyjama bottoms and I was about to go to sleep. Has there been a fire or something?" I ask, wanting to know the reason why I'm being denied sleep.

"That's not the reason he wants us but, yeah there has been." He says as he turns back to me.

"...Who started it?" I ask no longer surprised.


"Any casualties?"

"Just a dead bastard and a dress that's been burnt to a crisp."

"So Richter is-"

"Dead? Yeah."

We let silence linger for a while as I take in the news. Seems like I took too long since next thing I know, Ayato is walking out of the door.

"So are we dancing on his grave?" I ask as I start to join him walking.

"I wish, but he doesn't deserve one." He answers as he leads the way. "We're locking that room again. Reiji thought that it would be best if you did the honours."

"Why me?"

"Sealing the room means sealing Cordelia's soul again. Although the fire spread throughout the entire room so there's next to no chance of her coming back. All thanks to Laito." He remarks as he places his hands behind his head. "Now, Laito gets all the glory even though I'm the one that saved everyone."

"What about me? I'm the one who had to put her whilst nearly dying!" I ask, offended.

"Yeah, you played a small part." He teases and I push him off of his path. "I was joking!"

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