Hell's King

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Meanwhile in Hell

Derek sat in Hell's throne room listening to the pleas from the damned souls

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Derek sat in Hell's throne room listening to the pleas from the damned souls. Every plea was the same and he started to get bored with them, he zoned out a few times and his second in command had to nudge him out of it.

"Sire," Derek blinked "What should we do with them?" He turned to look at the soul standing in front of him. It was an elderly white woman in dark green. He stared at it for a while before deciding what to do. Finally, he snapped his fingers and watched as she turned to dust. His eyes went to the soul behind the pile of dust, with a wave of his hand the rest were escorted out of the room.

He watched them leave one by one until he saw a familiar face that reminded him about the massacre that happened a month back. He smiled as he remembered the way Ciara came to his rescue by knocking out the hunter who was about to stab him with the Demon Knife. He was actually surprised that she did that he thought that she would leave him out to dry. He didn't think that the dinner would turn into that big of a massacre, he knew the hunters were going to crash it and a few people were going to end up dead but he didn't bank on Luke Jones being there.

His jaw clenched at the thought of Luke Jones, Luke Jones has been a pain in Derek's ass ever since he ambushed him in that warehouse. Derek never wanted someone dead as much as he wanted Luke to be and after he gutted Luke, he could tell that Luke felt the same way. Ever since he gutted Luke, Luke's been trying to track him down. At first it amused Derek but after Luke sabotage one of his biggest deals for Hell, it's been nothing but a constant pain for him. For the past year and a half they've been playing a game of cat and mouse with each other. Luke would always get close to finding out Derek's identity but he would always slip away in the end.

Derek already had tabs on the Green's bloodline but finding out that Luke came from the same line only brought him a headache. Speaking of the Green's bloodline, he couldn't believe it took almost two centuries for a girl to be born. He often wondered if the Angels got wind of the deal he and Ella made and that they interfered with the bloodline. Well, it doesn't matter anymore because he's going to take what is rightfully his.

Speaking of his, he wondered what she was doing. He glanced around the room to make sure he was alone and pulled out a tool similar to a mirror.

"Find me Ciara Green." He commanded. A dark cloud appeared on the surface of the mirror, it swirled around before Ciara appeared on the screen. She was in business attire and was talking to one of her co-workers. He watched as Ciara filed reports into a cabinet, she bumped into the desk making a cup filled with pens fall onto the ground. She bent over to pick them up, moving her hair from her neck and that's when he saw the sigil.

The sigil he gave her was different from everyone else's, it was a more of a property brand because technically she was his property. He purposely forgot to remove it from last month, he didn't need any supernaturals toying with his property and they all knew the consequences if they tried him. He looked away from her and looked at her surroundings, he noticed something was familiar about the office she worked. He couldn't put his finger on it until he saw Larry Carter. Derek let out a loud laugh, this is too good to be true. He made a huge deal with her boss two years ago. Larry sold his soul so his company could grow into a big supplier meaning he was also getting some of his supplies from Hell. Unfortunately for Larry, he only had two and half years left before the dogs came and got him.

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