Campfires and Adam Socks

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I trudged behind Rena as she led us through the woods. We would seem like an average family going camping but not that many black people camp so we did get a lot of weird looks along the trail.

"Are you sure we're going the right way?" Adam asked as we passed the same moss tree that we passed two hours ago.

"I'm positive." She chimed as she hopped on a tree stump.

"We're lost." Donny groaned as he threw his head back. So the reason we're out in the woods are because there have been sightings of a strange creature that sounds awfully like a Wendigo or Bigfoot. No, Bigfoot is not real. Or is he? But nah, he's not. Or is he?? Guess we'll never know. Besides the sightings there have been 3 missing people too, they went camping and never returned home. Usually we don't leave Philly but Uncle Terrance was short on people so we took it. Where are we you ask? Oh, just the lovely beautiful Wharton State Forest that's located in New Jersey. I really doubt Bigfoot would be in New Jersey though, I really doubt anybody would be in New Jersey.

Anyway, we have four days to get this done because we actually have jobs and schools to go back too and we took one day off because we cannot afford two more off because this gig doesn't pay enough for our bills.

Rena scowled at Donny "We're not lost." She gritted.

Adam dropped his bag "How about we set up camp and figure out the locations of the sightings on the map then go search for them?" He suggested, looking between them.

Donny checked the surroundings before dropping his bags "Alright. Ciara and I will set up the tents, Rena you can get the wood, and Adam you can set up the perimeter." Donny ordered.

I gave Adam the bag "Sir, yes sir." Adam saluted as he took off to his right and Rena to her left.

I dropped my bag as Donny took out the bag with the tent.

He poured all the contents, "Let's get started." He said as he clapped his hands.

It took us twenty-five minutes to put up a medium tent, TWENTY-FIVE. I never thought it would take us that long to put up one tent. At least we can fit in there.

"Never again are we taking camping gigs." Donny declared from the ground.

"Agreed." I groaned as I flicked my bruised wrist.

He crawled over to me "Your wrist still hurt?" He asked.

I frowned and nodded; my wrist got bruised up at work actually. Yeah, I know, lame. I just fell on it when I was reaching for a file that was on the top shelf, guess what my stupid ass used? A fucking desk chair. Standing on a desk chair with high heels was never a good idea and I just had to learn the hard way.

He stared at me "We can always sue." He suggested with a smile.

I scoffed "It was my fault though." I pointed out.

He stood up "We can still sue though." He repeated.

I shook my head "Black folks always tryna get money out of something." I muttered.

He rolled his eyes, "Now let's put up the food up in a tree." He clapped his hands as he went to the food bag.

I groaned loudly before rolling onto my stomach "Can't we just lay here." I whined as I closed my eyes.

I heard him sigh loudly "I'll do it, crippled."

I smiled as I got comfortable on the ground and listened to the sounds of the forest. I fell asleep, you want to know how I know I fell asleep? Because I woke up to the three of them hovering over me. I stared at them and they stared back expectantly, I narrowed my eyes at them before turning on my stomach and closing my eyes. They snickered making my snap my eyes open.

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