Intro and Stuff

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So just to get some stuff out of the way.

I was inspired to (finally) write this book after reading Catlover2976's two books; "Supernatural Minds" and "Loose Ends". Thanks for the inspiration! Go read those books too!

Each chapter will be about half and half. One told from a Winchester's POV and the other by either Emily Prentiss, Derek Morgan or Spencer Reid.

Supernatural part: takes place after season eight, but it's kinda inbetween the two seasons. It starts off after season nine episode two, so spoilers if you haven't gotten there yet.

Criminal Minds: takes place near the beginning of season six (Doyle hasn't become an issue yet)

- Em ;)


Dean's POV:

I sat in my bed, so many problems going through my head. Abaddon and Ezekiel and Kevin. On top of that the angels that had all fallen. They all wanted a piece of me and Sam, and I could tell it wasn't going to end well. After deciding I wasn't going to sleep, I got up and wandered around the bunker. Sam and Kevin were both dead asleep and Crowley was quiet too. I enjoyed the peace, but we needed a case. That was until I saw the headline on one of the newspapers I had been searching through on Sam's laptop.


"Shit." I muttered. The small town had been deserted, but the explosions must have been felt nearby. "Dammit!" I almost knocked the laptop off the table. One more thing to worry about, the feds. The real feds. Sam came running in after hearing my outburst. 

"What is it?" I showed him the article and Sam swore under his breath. "We can't just stay locked up. We'll need supplies." 

"And if they check any camera that could've been nearby they would've seen the car." 

"Or heard about us from that Sergeant." I muttered as I tapped furiously on the keyboard.

"So what do we do? Get caught?"

"That could be our best bet, get our names cleared for life." I snorted and gave Sam a look. 

"Right, get caught again. Remember what happened last time? They all died, they think we're dead. The moment they realize we're not? We are screwed Sammy, no matter what." 

"So what do you want to do?" Sam sighed and looked up to me and I shrugged. 

"Wait it out?" 

"We'll need supplies like you said. They probably already found us, we need to get caught and warn them. Then the world could stand a chance." We both knew that wasn't really true, the world was basically screwed either way. Too much shit had happened for us to fix it again.

"So...get caught?" Sam nodded and we set about making plans.

Emily's POV:

Today was not a normal day. Usually if we got a case we wouldn't be rushed into the room with no time to spare, we could at least walk and not have to run. I sat down with the rest of my team, all the familiar faces. But we all focused when JJ turned on the screen and two males mugshots appeared. 

"Sam and Dean Winchester." 

"Aren't they dead?" Morgan asked from across the table. 

"Apparently not, the recent explosions in the contaminated city had one camera nearby that showed this." As she pressed another button a video popped up of a beautiful 1967 chevy impala, with the two criminals in the front seat. "We suspect that they were the ones who killed the three navy sailors and caused the explosions that occurred there."

"Well, what's our job?" I asked, confused. Were we going to kill them, or were we going to bring them in? 

"We need to bring them in for questioning then send them off to supermax." Hotch answered quickly. "We have a possible lead on them in Kansas, apparently they're at home for a bit or close by. Wheels up in twenty." 

With that I went to grab my prepacked bag and headed for the plane, reading up on Sam and Dean Winchester as I went. "Hey," I called to Reid as we caught the elevator together, "look at Dean and Sam here. Then look at the video." I showed him both images. "They don't look the same, Sam's hair has gotten longer and they both just look more matured." 

Reid nodded and pointed at some other small details spouting facts, but I had noticed something else. "They changed their plates....that's why we couldn't track their car up until now."  I pulled out my cellphone and called Garcia. 

"Hey, I've got a big job for you. I need you to run a license plate on all cameras across the country. This is how we can find out what they've been doing."

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