Chapter 1

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Dean's POV:

I finished getting off the phone with Cas, then turned to Sam and Kevin who were going through security procedures and what not to do. "Don't even go near Crowley, I'll lock the door to the dungeon. You won't even be able to get near him so then he can't taunt you." 

"I got it Sam, just get these guys out of the way and get back. I don't know how long I'll be able to hold off on him." Kevin muttered, looking at the floor and walking to his bedroom. We finished locking up and left Kevin safely in the bunker. 

"Well?" I asked, looking at Sam impatiently.

"We've got a nearby vamp case, in Kansas actually." I sighed, but got in the car. 

"This is a horrible idea Sam." 

"I never said it was our best one, but who knows? Maybe this could turn out on the flip side for us." I didn't look at him as I started the car. 

"This won't work Sammy. If it does I will let you drive home with whatever music you want."

We arrived where the last attack had been and saw one SUV with two feds there. "Son of a bitch, how do we find anything?" 

"Find a motel and look for places that would work as a vamp hangout?" 

"That could be anywhere!" Sam sighed and looked at the scene. 

"I don't see a way we could get in, was someone turned or kidnapped?" I shook my head, looking at the body bag they were wheeling out. 

"Drained dry." 

"They probably think we're behind this, starting up our crime spree again." 

"Awesome." I put as much sarcasm in the statement as possible. "Kevin's safe?" 

Sam nodded and we drove off to a nearby motel. Sam started searching while I was on lookout for the cops. We had Baby parked in front of our room, I just hoped they wouldn't wreck her. I'd spent too long fixing her to have her broken by fucking cops.

Finally Sam had narrowed it down to two possible places. We were still going to work, this was part of the horrible plan. We searched the first one, nothing. The other was across town, so I was going to be careful. We arrived with nobody tailing us yet. This was a huge barn, but we knew we couldn't split up. It was too dangerous, and if one of us was caught the other would just come running. It was instinct for us, look after each other because that's all you've got. 

"Upstairs." Sam muttered and I went ahead of him. Machete in one hand, small flashlight in the other. Sure enough, a female vamp was sucking the life out of some poor bastard. 

"Hey bitch!" I yelled and she shot to her feet. I cut into my palm, and she raced at me, fangs outstretched. Sam came up behind her and sliced clean through her neck. Her head rolled over to him and I groaned as her body nearly landed on my feet. That was when the barn doors banged open and bright lights were everywhere. 

"Dean and Sam Winchester!" 


Morgan's POV:

After Emily's idea, we had discovered that the brothers had been everywhere. Behind most newsworthy events and more. Their crime list had grown to involve several more odd things, but Garcia had finally gotten us a tip off on them in near Lawrence, Kansas. We had seen their car pass by the police station as we had been tracking their movements for the past year alone. We didn't even go back to when they were supposed to have died. The call came in at about 8, I'll never forget that moment. 

"Baby Girl, tell me you've got something." 

"That was their car and they are currently at a barn about five miles away." I nodded to the team and Garcia texted us the coordinates. We arrived and heard Dean's shout from inside. 

"Hey Bitch!" I nodded to the SWAT team with us who knocked down the doors and we ran in. They were in the upper level, and JJ and I went up. They knelt there with their hands on their heads.

"What took you so long?" Dean asked, and I was tempted to punch him right there. 

We handcuffed them and took them outside to the waiting helicopter. Emily was waiting inside and Dean winked at her. I shoved him in and closed the door behind me, Emily got in the front with the pilot. 

"We're bringing them into Quantico, the rest of the team will meet us there after packing up in Lawrence." Sam gave Dean a look and Dean shrugged. 

"Could be worse." 

"I told you this was a bad idea." Dean muttered, but I still heard him. 

"Why did you kill that woman?" I asked them. 

"That wasn't a woman if you even looked inside her mouth. That was a vamp, and she needed to be put down." Sam turned to Dean. 

"It's odd to have a vamp so close to home, they know we're close by." Dean nodded in agreement and they continued to talk, I listened. 

"Excuse me, but you realize you're never going to see each other again." I interjected. Dean snickered and turned back to his conversation with his brother.

When we arrived I was told we only had one interrogation room available, so they were both handcuffed to the table and sat there. Both of them had smug smiles. This wasn't the Sam Winchester I had read about, Dean had always been sarcastic. Now Sam had grown up just like his big brother. 

I went in and asked if they wanted anything. They were the ones who were going to have to deal with Hotch and Rossi. 

"Yeah, one phone call please." I brought them one of their cell phones. "Hey Cas! Yeah, plan's in action. What? Where? Okay, can talk to Sam quickly." He passed the phone to Sam. 

"What? Castiel....fine. Got it." He hung up and gave Dean a look. 

"We'd like to talk to one of your agents." Dean said.

"Which one?" Now I was confused, one phone call and suddenly they were willing to talk?

"We won't talk until we speak with Agent Rick Lore." I went out into the backroom on the other side of the glass. Emily was watching from there. 

"Do you think we should let them talk to him?" she asked, looking at them as they spoke to each other, Dean trying to gesture despite the handcuffs on his wrists.

"He's an agent, we can trust him." Emily nodded and went to get this agent. When she came back there were two of them, one was the agent they had wanted to talk to, the other was a man in a trench coat with black hair and blue eyes. 

"Woah, what's this guy doing here?" 

"He's their lawyer." Emily answered shortly. The two walked in and Dean and Sam's grins grew to smiles. 

"This won't be good." I muttered as I watched the scene unfold.

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