Chapter 7

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Morgan's POV:

I watched Emily walk over towards us. The two guys she'd been talking to left and I recognized Sam and Dean Winchester. 

"Great." I muttered as Emily sat next to me, handing me a shot. 

"Drink, you look like you need it." She said over the loud music. I quickly downed the liquid and then looked at Hotch. "What?" He shrugged and motioned to Emily. 

"What were you doing here anyways?" She huffed and crossed her arms. 

"I was busy, I'd found the Winchesters so I was catching up with them, telling them about cases and so on." 

I groaned and put a hand to my head. "Emily, they're criminals." 

"Who saved your life!" She said, getting up to leave after checking her phone. I watched her go, then slowly followed her. 

She had clearly been acting to be somewhat drunk earlier so everyone would just think nothing of it. She pulled out her phone and hit the speed dial button. I got close enough so I could hear her end of the conversation. 

"Dean? ...... Yeah I've got it.....Sure, I'll send you the number, and I'll give her a message from me." She hung up and ran over to a small alley where a car sat idling. 

She got in and I saw Sam Winchester in the drivers seat. I cursed under my breath and looked around for something I could follow them with. An abandoned car sat tucked away across the alley, but I didn't know if I'd have enough time to get across and steal it before the were gone. I quickly ran to it as they pulled away and found it open with the keys in the ignition. 

"Sorry buddy." I muttered to no one in particular, but I'd probably return the car. 

I turned the key and slowly followed the '67 chevy impala to a motel just at the edge of town. I waited until they were all inside then snuck up to the window. I tried listening, but I couldn't make out much, and as I moved to adjust my position I moved a pot on the windowsill with my hand and it crashed to the ground. I tried to make a run for it but I could feel their guns on my back. 

"Morgan!" Emily's voice. I spun around and saw her standing there, anger on her face. "You followed me?" 

A deep sense of guilt settled in my stomach as Emily spun around and went back into the motel room. Sam came over and grabbed my gun, then my arm and guided me to the room. Dean locked the door behind us. Emily sat on one bed at a laptop and typed quickly. 

"Right," Dean said sitting me down, "it's time you knew what you're up against."

Sam's POV:

I took my laptop from Emily and put it on the table so we could see the two hackers on screen who would help us out. 

"Charlie, Agent Morgan. Agent Morgan, Charlie Bradbury." Charlie smiled and waved at the agent who just looked from us to her. 

"Wait a sec..." Another voice came from the computer. 

"Garcia? You getting through?" Emily asked the computer, and another video screen popped up. 

"Morgan!" The technical analyst jumped at the sight of the other agent then pulled up something on her many computers. 

"Okay, what do you need?" I sighed and sat on the bed, grabbing dad's journal. 

"Everyone just needs to listen right now, this is what we're dealing with." I paused to find the page and then started reading. 

"The Slit-Mouthed Woman is an urban legend in Japan. It's about a woman who was the wife of a mentally-ill schizophrenic man. He claimed to heard voices telling him to murder, not only was he schizophrenic, he was also bipolar. His wife's name is 'Kuchisake Onna." This man had physically abused Kuchisake Onna in which she had grew unhappy with him.

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