Chapter 10

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Visiting Day

I sit on the edge of my bed gazing toward the phrase "Fear God Alone". I'm still groggy from a long night of nightmares and tossing and turning. Visiting day always has this affect on me. Not because I have any desire to see my father, but because it is the one day a year that I actually think about what it would have been like to grow up in a normal family without the abuse, beatings, and mental anguish. This will be the only moment that I allow myself to dwell on this, and then I will return to who I am now. Four, the so called 'Dauntless Prodigy.' That is what Amar used to call me after I received a first place ranking throughout my own initiation. Although I was from Abnegation, I was a natural in the ring, at knife throwing, and shooting guns. I especially excelled at the simulations. And then of course there is the fear landscape and the reason that I got my nickname. Four fears is unheard of in Dauntless, it is less than half of the norm. These are the times when I miss my old mentor.

I sit for a moment longer staring at the words on the wall. It is time to get up and make my way to the dining hall for breakfast.

The Pit is already bustling with families, initiates, and Dauntless. Today is a day that the Dauntless take to gather.

I walk into the dining hall and spot Zeke, Shawna, and Lauren sitting at our normal table. I have not had the opportunity to really talk to them for the past few days because of initiation, other than our brief conversation about Tris yesterday. I grab my food and take a seat across from Zeke.

"Hey man, I thought you'd already be down in the pit with your family," I say to Zeke.

"I'm getting ready to head there now, just waiting for Uriah to finish flirting with Marlene over there," he gestures toward his brother at another table.

"How is initiation going Four?" asks Lauren. "We have not seen much of you for the past few days."

"It's been busy, and I've been spending a lot of time in the training room."

"Oh really," smirks Lauren. "And why would you be spending so much time working out? Is there someone you are trying to impress with your physique and skill? May a little Stiff that you climbed a Farris wheel with?"

I glare at her and don't respond.

"Wait! What?!" shouts Shauna. "What are you talking about?"

Lauren whispers to Shauna, "I think Four has a thing for the Stiff. At capture the flag, he climbed the Farris wheel with her to find Eric's flag. All I know is once they came back down he didn't stop smiling until we made it back to the compound."

"Four, do you really have a thing for the Stiff?" Shauna asks quietly.

"I have no idea what you are talking about Shauna, she is an initiate and I am her instructor and that is all." I avert my eyes so she can't see that I'm lying to her. She has always been able to spot my lies.

"You liar!" she scolds. "You can't lie to me; you have never been able to lie to me! Does she know? Have you made a move?"

"As much as I'd love to stick around for the 'girl talk', it looks like Uriah is ready," says Zeke. "See you in the Pit later!" Zeke smiles at me and walks out of the room.

I finish my breakfast and try to avoid Shauna and Lauren's questions.

"You are going to have to talk to me sometime Four," says Shana.

Shauna has always been the person that I could confide in the most for the past two years. Zeke is probably my best friend, but there are just some things that guys don't discuss.

Lauren finishes her breakfast, tells us she will see us later and heads out to the Pit to see her family.

"So are you going to talk to me about this?" Shauna presses.

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