Chapter 16

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I return to my room where she is still passed out. She looks battered and bruised but seems to be resting peacefully. I turn to the bathroom where I begin to wash the blood from my split knuckles. I look in the mirror, I have a small cut on my lip but I have no idea how. Drew must have gotten in one shot to my mouth before I beat him into oblivion.

I finish washing the blood from my hands and inspect the damage; I dry them, and move to the refrigerator for an ice pack. When I turn around I realize that she is awake and watching me. I walk toward her, ice pack in my hand.

"Your hands," she croaks.

"My hands are none of your concern," I say kneeling on the bed next to her. I lean over and slip the ice pack under her head. Before I move away, her hand moves toward my face. It hovers there for a moment, and then she touches her fingers gently to my mouth.

"Tris," I say without pulling away from her touch, "I'm all right."

"Why were you there?" she asks.

"I was coming back from the control room. I heard a scream."

"What did you do to them?"

"I deposited Drew in the infirmary a half hour ago. Peter and Al ran. Drew claimed they were just trying to scare you. At least, I think that's what he was trying to say."

"He's in bad shape?" she asks.

"He'll live," I say. "In what condition, I can't say."

She seems to think about this for a moment and she takes my arm and squeezes.

"Good," she says.

I crouch down on the bed next to her. I pull my arm free of her grasp and place my hand next to her face and skim her cheekbone with my thumb, careful not to hurt her.

"I could report this," I say.

"No, I don't want them to think I'm scared."

I nod at her rubbing her cheekbone. "I figured you would say that."

"You think it would be a bad idea if I sat up?" she asks.

"I'll help you."

I grip her shoulder with one hand and support her head with the other. She winces slightly from the pain but doesn't let it consume her. I hand her the ice pack.

"You can let yourself be in pain. It's just me here." I tell her.

Tears stream down her face.

"I suggest you rely on your transfer friends to protect you from now on."

"I thought I was," she says. "But, Al..."

"He wanted you to be the small, quiet girl from Abnegation. He hurt you because your strength made him feel weak. No other reason."

She nods.

"The others won't be as jealous if you show some vulnerability. Even if it isn't real."

"You think I have to pretend to be vulnerable?" she asks.

"Yes, I do." I say.

I take the ice pack from her and hold it to her head gently. I look at her and realize she doesn't understand how strong she is, she underestimates herself constantly.

I stand with the ice pack in my hand.

"You are going to want to march into breakfast tomorrow and show your attackers they had no effect on you." I continue, "but you should let that bruise on your cheek show, and keep your head down."

I know she isn't going to like this, but she needs to understand how important her safety is.

"I don't' think I can do that," she says without looking at me.

"You have to."

"I don't think you get it," she says becoming angry. "They touched me."

I freeze. Touched her? They raped her? I clench the ice pack in my hands. Rage builds in me and I want to go to the dorms and kill them all.

"Touched you," I repeat, my eyes cold. I am not sure I am going to be able to control my fury.

"Not... in the way you're thinking," she clears her throat. She realizes that my thoughts went immediately to the worst possible scenario. "But... almost."

That does not make me feel better. So they didn't rape her. They still had their hands all over her body, touching her. I am still furious, but I realize that her safety is my first priority. I stand there silent and still for a long time.

"What is it?" she asks me.

"I don't want to say this, but I feel like I have to. It is more important for you to be safe than right, for the time being. Understand?"

I stare at her with my eyebrows furrowed, holding her gaze until she nods.

"But please, when you see and opportunity..." I say placing my hand on her face and lifting her chin to look at me. Her eyes that are full of hurt and pain also radiate strength and power. I feel the rage return to me, my eyes glint with the fury I feel. "Ruin them."

"You're a little scary, Four," she says nervously.

"Do me a favor," I say, "and don't call me that."

Somehow her calling me Four just doesn't feel right anymore. I want her to know me, now more than ever. But now isn't the right time.

"What should I call you then?" she asks intrigued.

"Nothing," I say as I take my hand from her face. "Yet."


We spend the rest of the time just sitting together and talking about nothing special. She suddenly attempts to get up. When I ask her where she thinks she is going, she says she is going to go back to the dorms for bed.

I convince her that returning to the dorm to sleep in the same room as her attackers would be senseless. I retrieve a blanket and pillow from the closet and lay them on the floor next to the bed. I lie on my stomach, get comfortable, and close my eyes. I hear her roll toward the edge of the bed where she can see me. I feel her gaze on my back. After a few minutes I can hear the rhythmic breathing of a sleeping girl. I turn my head in her direction and watch her sleep until I eventually fall asleep, happy that she is here with me.

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