Never Steal A Sleeping Dragon's Taco

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A/N Ok so here is the prologue. Again in my opinion I don't think this is as good as the other chapters I've written but that's only because it's kinda an introduction to the characters and what not. If you want me to continue please tell me because I hate wasting my time.

Disclaimer: I should really start putting these at the start of my stories. Anywho anything you recognise characters, world yada yada yada do not belong to me because if they did I wouldn't be writing this I'd be living in Spain with a gorgeous husband and I would have the ability to breath fire. Or something like that. Anyway good ol' J.K Rowling owns all the stuff you recognise. I wonder if she can breathe fire? Maybe I should send her a letter....


First Year:

“Weasley, Dominique,” Professor McGonagall called and I slowly walked up to the top of the Great Hall and sat on the old stool, ready for my sorting. She placed the old, ragged hat on my head and I instantly felt it come alive.

“Old, ragged hat eh?” I heard the hat whisper.

“Sorry I didn’t mean it badly. First impressions, ya know,” I whispered back.

“I see. Well I think this is an easy decision. GRYFFINDOR!” the hat shouted as I grinned and headed for the Gryffindor table where I saw James Potter and Teddy Lupin standing up, clapping along with the rest of the Gryffindors who were sitting down like regular people.

“Congrats Nicky,” James smiled, making room for me to sit down.

“Ahh I knew she’d be a Gryffindor. I’d have to send an owl to Professor McGonagall and tell her to resort you into Gryffindor,” Teddy declared and with that the feast begun.

“Food, brilliant!” James grinned grabbing some chicken wings and began stuffing his face.

 “James, control yourself. We’re in the presence of a lady,” Teddy smiled at me, mock bowing.

“Ahh Nicky doesn’t count,” he whined, continuing to eat. Teddy smacked him on the head. “This is why you should be happy you have me to keep you in line when it comes to girls.”

“Whatever, for now I’m starved so I’ll talk later,” James shrugged Teddy off and continued piling his plate filled with food.

“Don’t worry. I’m used to my git of a cousin,” I smiled as James glared at me.

“But anyway he’s right, I’m starved too and I spy tacos,” I exclaimed grabbing a tortilla and some fried chicken. I love me some tacos.

We continued to talk about Hogwarts and different classes until Professor McGonagall made her headmistress speech.

“Welcome everyone to another year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. As you all know I am Professor McGonagall the headmistress here. To our returning students, I trust you know the rules and that you will do as told. To our first years, I welcome you and hope you find Hogwarts a wonderful home for you. The Forbidden Forrest is still forbidden and to inquire what objects are declared banned in the school please visit Mr. Filch’s office for full details. For information on Quidditch tryouts please ask your head of houses. I hope you have a wonderful year and prefects, would you please escort the first years to their assigned common rooms. Thank you everyone,” she finished and everyone began to get up and head for their common rooms.



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