Chapter 2

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“Come on, I think the Sorting’s started,” James whispered as we silently entered the Great Hall. We made our way to the Gryffindor table where I saw Ally and Scott sitting.

“Scoot your tush,” I whispered and Ally made room for me at the table. We watched as the first years sorting drawled on like always.

“Damn these first years, I need food!” James whispered angrily.

“You and your stomach, James,” I whispered back.

“Potter, Lily,” Professor Mc Gonagall proclaimed. Lily walked up to the top of the Great Hall and the Sorting Hat was placed on her head.

After a few moments the hat shouted “GRYFFINDOR!” much to the happiness of all the Gryffindors who were clapping wildly. James and I stood up and were probably clapping the loudest.

Lily grinned and made her way towards the Gryffindor table. The rest of the first years got sorted; the last one was sorted into Ravenclaw.

Professor Bigly began his headmaster speech. He took over as headmaster when McGonagall stepped down and returned to her post as Transfiguration professor. He had been Hufflepuffs head of house so let’s just say; everyone thought he was a bit of a ponce. No one ever listened to his speech and this year was no different.

“Eh, Nicky, what are you doing?” Ally nudged me.

“Shh I’m being awesome,” I replied as I continued to engrave my motto onto the Gryffindor table.

“What does ‘Draco Dormiens Nunquam Furtum Taco’ mean?” she continued to pester.

“It means “Never steal a sleeping dragon’s taco,” I smiled, pleased with my work.

Ally accepted the answer and began rhythmically tapping her fingers on the table, the guys however did not.

“You people are crazy! Shun the crazy people!” James whispered loudly and pointed.

“Never steal a sleeping dragon’s taco? Seriously?” Scott added in.

“Yeah Parkes, seriously,” I mimicked his stupidity.

“I hope you have a good year and now please enjoy your dinner,” Professor Bigly finished and the food appeared on the table.

“Well, enjoy your dinner and have a wonderful year,” Bigly concluded and food appeared in front of us.

I turned to face Ally and together we shouted “Tacos!” It had been tradition every year for us to eat tacos on the first dinner of the year. A tradition we liked, very much.

“Pass the pico de gallo.”

“Can you get me another tortilla?”

“Any cheese over there?”

“Try the guacamole. It’s frickin amazing!”

The rest of the meal consisted of us yammering on about tacos while everyone stared at us. I don’t understand how they hadn’t gotten used to our taco talk?

After everyone was finished eating dinner, the dessert appeared on the table.

“Ally look! They have churros!” I squealed grabbing the long sugar coated fried dough.

“Ooh, do they have any melted chocolate?” she asked her eyes wide.

“Right here,” I grinned, high fiving her as we dug into our calorie filled treats.

“And they think I’m bad,” James whispered loudly to Scott.

“That’s because you pile your plate three feet high with food,” I retorted.

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