Chapter 6; Sligathor

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A/N   Ok so I don’t know whether it’s because I’ve just been on the phone to Fred, I’m excited for Pottermore tomorrow (it’s the 30th of July) or because I just had a can of Coke (I know, I’m such a rebel) but I feel really pumped up and happy so I’m going to give writing another shot.

As people may know for some reason the holiday people LIED so there is no WiFi :O The result: an incredibly pissed off person. So anyway my limited amount of distractions which usually distract me when I try to write have been inconveniently taken away from me. This should give me the ability to write at a breakneck pace and I should be finished half of my stories at this stage. Wrongo. As you may know I am (George) not a normal person therefore this lack of distractions is in fact distracting me more than the original distractions.

And your head explodes.

Anyway my long rant is officially over so let’s get on with the whole writing thing. Thanks Hermione. 

The week leading up to my birthday was a pleasant one. Scott was pissed off that I ‘tried to kill him’ so he didn’t do that annoying thing where he talks whenever I was around. Whoop to the whoop whoop!

Plus classes were much easier to get through knowing that by Friday, we would be tearing it up for my ultimate birthday celebrations. I’ll say it again, whoop to the whoop whoop!

Monday we had Potions and Defence Against the Dark Arts. Potions first thing on a Monday morning is not fun, especially with our oh-so charming Potions master, Professor Floggs. Besides having a name that most likely got him bullied in school, he has two, unusual characteristics. Firstly he’s quite small. He’s smaller than me and that’s saying something since I’m called a midget twenty four seven. He’s not even related to goblins or house elves or anything that would make him biologically small, he’s just simply short. He was about four feet tall. His other characteristic which completely contradicts him being short is his insanely low voice.

You’d expect a person who’s incredibly small to have a cute little high squeaky voice, like a fairy but no. Professor Floggs has the deepest voice in the history of deep voices. It almost echoes.

He also hates me, which isn’t fun. I’ve no idea why though, I’m pretty good at potions. Maybe he just hates my charisma.

Defence Against the Dark Arts is cool though. Especially since it’s taught by Professor Creevey who is yummy yummy yummy. The mid-thirty year old (who by the way is yummy if I hadn’t mentioned before) looked about the same age as Teddy. His mousy brown hair was always messily covering his chocolate brown eyes and his smirk made half the girls fall out of their chairs. One slut of a Hufflepuff did once. She pretended to faint, hoping for mouth to mouth when he just told someone to pick her up not giving a crap. He’s such a legend.

Tuesday I have Transfiguration with McGonagall which is bearable I suppose and then a free period in the afternoons. Wednesday we have Charms with Professor Wespurt. He’s such a cute and awkward teacher and he’s best friends with Professor Creevey so that makes him a legend. They’re such a quirky couple. Friends that is, Creevey’s mine!

After Charms I have Care of Magical Creatures with Professor Weasley, my beloved Uncle Charlie. After Victoire was born he came back to England and came to teach at Hogwarts. He also helps Hagrid with games keeping duties if he’s not up for it. Hagrid’s not getting any younger. It would be my favourite class if Scott wasn’t in it. Ally and James decided not to do it so I’m stuck on my own in a class with him. 

I’ve another free period on Thursday mornings which makes me incredibly happy because I get a lie-in. I’m supposed to get up for breakfast but I just visit the house elves in the kitchens and they gladly make me a chicken bagel. Circular food is far superior to all other foods. In the afternoon I have Muggle Studies which is hilarious because we get to play with weird Muggle contraptions like music playing machines and weird boxes with people inside them. Muggles are crazy.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2011 ⏰

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