Chapter 1;

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Chapter 1; 

Five Years Later; Sixth Year

“You know, Vicky, it’s really nice you took a day off just to see me and Louis off,” I beamed as Victoire rolled her eyes. She really was the best big sister ever. Notice the sarcastic tone? No? Well I was being sarcastic. Bit of an awkward silence now. Shall we continue on with the story? Ha, I was being rhetorical. Can people be rhetorical? Ok, rephrased I was asking a rhetorical question. Ha! Ok, moving on.

“I told you my name is Victoire. Not Vicky or Toire or Tori or V-Dog. I wish you would stop being so immature Dominique,” she scolded.

“Ok, whatever but my name is Nicky,” I argued.

“Oh stop arguing with me, you’re going to make Louis late for the train,” she snapped grabbing Louis’ hand and dragging him off while she left me to push the trolley.

“Yes, Mum!” I shouted after her, sticking my tongue out.

“I don’t think she realises that Louis is thirteen, he can walk,” I thought to myself as I heaved the trolley along after them.

I don’t know why Victoire and I don’t get along. I like her but for some reason she doesn’t like me. Maybe it’s because we’re so different in appearance. I have red-blonde hair and she has Mum’s silvery blonde, I have pale blue eyes and she has Dad’s sapphire blue eyes. I’m small she’s tall. Maybe she’s a red-haired-person racist! That can’t be it; our whole family is made up of redheads. Maybe it’s because she’s jealous of my coolness. That must be it. There’s no other explanation.

My owl, Bubo, a small barn owl, was chirping noisily in her cage earning strange looks from passer-bys. Stupid people, it’s like they’ve never seen a sixteen year old girl with a barn owl.

 “Bubo can you please stop chirping until we get to platform nine and three-quarters, then you can chirp to your heart’s content,” I pleaded as my owl looked at me curiously but shut up nonetheless. Now that same girl is talking to her owl. Yeah, there’s nothing strange at all. I really have to stop talking to myself. Well, technically I’m thinking to myself. Is that allowed? Score!

I passed platform nine and I soon found the barrier for platform nine and three-quarters. Looking over my shoulder, I quickly pushed the trolley forwards into the barrier and I soon emerged onto a busy platform filled with Hogwarts students.

The Hogwarts Express stood there in all its glory, waiting to leave King’s Cross. I glanced at the large clock over my head; fifteen minutes until departure.

“Dominique! Hurry up would you!” I heard Victoire shout and I saw her and Louis standing by the man who was piling luggage onto one of the carriages.

“Sorry it took me so long but I did have to frickin push this thing all the way here,” I glared at Victoire.

“Stop using that sort of language around your brother. Now, you haven’t seen Teddy around have you, I was hoping I would see him,” Victoire said, glancing around the station for a glimpse of the blue haired twenty-two year old.

“Oh, did I forget to mention. He sent me an owl saying he wasn’t coming to see us off. He’s in Hogsmeade working for Rosmerta in the Three Broomsticks. My bad,” I chortled as Victoire’s face went a deep shade of scarlet.

“So that’s the reason you told Mum and Dad you’d bring us to King’s Cross. You were right Nicky. I’ll buy you that chocolate frog on the train,” Louis piped up giving me a high five.

“No need little brother, her face was payment enough. Bye Vicky, see you at Christmas. Have fun being a Healer!” I shouted running off before Victoire could do anything about it. I turned my head to see if she was chasing after me but she was gone.

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