Chapter 5;

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Chapter 5

“Obsucro,” I heard someone whisper and a blindfold covered my eyes. “Silencio.” The hand uncovered my mouth and I tried talking. Nothing came out. Damn my life.

“Start walking,” I was shoved and fell over. Probably another clump of grass. Sure, kick me when I’m down evil grass.

I was hoisted back on my feet and I listened in on their “whispered” conversation.

“What are we going to do? If we untie her she’ll run and she can’t walk. I have her wand by the way,” I heard a boy’s voice say. Realisation dawned on me.

Scott and his bloody revenge. He must have decided to get me back when we were away from teachers and Hogsmeade was perfect but he must have got distracted because of the battle.

I tried to think of a plan. “Ok now that you know who it is and why they’ve kidnapped you try to get the duck away!” I thought to myself. “C’mon, you’ve been learning wandless magic since September.”

Just as I was about to try getting the blindfold off with wandless magic I was lifted up and thrown onto either James or Scott’s shoulder. I wiggled around and tried to break free but soon gave up.

Finite,” I thought. Nothing happened.


“Finite!” With that, my blindfold disappeared and I could see my surroundings. I was on Scott’s back as he struggled to carry me up the hill. Ha, weakling. James was in front of Scott carrying my guitar and Al was walking beside him.

 We soon arrived at Hogwarts. The sun was quite low in the sky now and we trekked onward. For fun, I began elbowing Scott in the face. Well, as much as you can elbow someone when your hands are tied and they’re carrying you on their shoulder.

We didn’t enter the castle but trekked onwards towards the Whomping Willow. Duck duck duck duck.

 I then noticed that I could hear my breathing again. They’re crappy silencing charm wore off after about two minutes.

“Immobulus” I heard James say and I looked up to see the Whomping Willow wasn’t trying to crush us. Good tree, nice tree.

“Ok can you at least untie my legs so I don’t have to be dragged through the passage under the Whomping Willow,” I suggested as Scott continued moving towards the Whomping Willow. He stopped walking and put me down.

“How did you get rid of the blindfold and how come you can talk?” he asked looking at me suspiciously.

“Because I’m that good. I’ll play along with your little “kidnapping” but I’m not being dragged down a ducking hole by two idiots,” I sneered.

“Fine, James you go in first I’ll follow you in after I’ve untied our hostage. Al you go back to the castle. You’ll miss dinner,” Scott ordered. Al nodded and began walking back to the castle and James headed down the tunnel which led to the Shrieking Shack. Great leave me here with the troll.

“Not so tough now are we?” he smirked tapping his wand on the ropes which then released me. “Yes, not so tough because you ducking ambushed me with two others. I had great odds of kicking your ass with not knowing you’re there,” I spat as he untied my legs.

“I’ll just have to keep you on your toes then,” he winked. I mentally vomited.

He pushed me towards the gaping hole underneath the Whomping Willow and I quickly crawled in.

James was sitting on the ground leaning against one of the walls when we came in. I sat down opposite him and Scott sat beside him.

“So?” I asked looking around with a bored expression.

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