Chapter 3;

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“Please hand up your permission forms if you are attending the trip to Hogsmeade. Those who are attending are expected to be back by seven o’clock sharp,” McGonagall announced as students filed out with their permission forms.

“Poor ol’ Minnie’s on her last legs,” I whispered to Ally as we handed up our permission slips and began making our way to Hogsmeade.

“Yeah, she’ll never retire though. I think she enjoys giving out detentions too much,” Ally agreed as we strolled on.

“Teddy sent me an owl and he wants to meet us at three. That’s when he gets his lunch break-“ I started before falling over a clump of grass.

“Curse you clump of grass! I will destroy your fellow brethrens!” I screamed pointing menacingly at the evil clump of grass. How dare they form a gang in order to try and get me to bow down to the mighty earth growers! Never again shall they defeat me!

“You’ve won this round plant-dwellers but I shall conquer your empire and then, the world!” I shouted getting up and dusting myself off.

“Aww man I got mud on my boots,” I exclaimed sadly.

“Aren’t boots supposed to get dirty?” Ally inquired.

“No, for I am Nicky, Ruler of the Awesome and therefore I am not supposed to have dirty boots. Come mere peasant, we shall find another peasant and his pet troll so we can laugh in their faces as they take up the noble quest in polishing my royal boots,” I declared in my smexy medieval voice.

Ally shrugged and we ran the rest of the way to Hogsmeade. The evil grass clumps must have heard my ferocious speech as they did not dare to trip me up again.

We easily found a mere peasant and his troll.

“You there, peasant!”I greeted as James looked at me confusedly.

“I’m not a peasant. I should at least be a knight or court jester or something!” he argued.

“You would be a good court jester as your requests are making me laugh!” I chuckled evilly.

“I require your assistance. You will need your pet troll to help you in the noble quest I bestow upon you,” I declared.

“Ehh Nicky, I don’t own a troll,”

“Silence peasant! Your pet troll is over there,” I announced pointing to Scott who was walking towards us.

“Hey people. What’d I miss?” he greeted.

“I’m sorry. I do not understand your troll language and you smell simply revolting,” I scoffed holding my nose.

“I like my cologne! I got it for Christmas last-“

“Silence troll! Now I need you two to polish my shoes or else I will unleash my wrath!” I warned.

James and Scott turned to each other and simultaneously said “Bring it.”

I turned to Ally who returned my evil smile. “Oh, it’s on.”

We decided to flee to round up allies and the one place to find them was “The Three Broomsticks”. James and Scott were most likely headed to Zonko’s Joke Shop to gather followers but they didn’t know about my secret weapon. Muhahaha!

“What’s the plan?” Ally asked as we entered the Three Broomsticks.

“Well Private, in war there is no plan. Just the art of not dying,” I answered simply as I scanned the crowded pub for possible soldiers for my army.

I found Louis easily enough; his longish blonde hair was quite distinctive.

“Louis, can we talk to you?” I asked sweetly.

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