Lanas POV
"Wake up." Hayes said , shaking me. "Were all going to the grove get up." He told me. "I don't want to go." I told him. "Oh." He said , scratching the back of his head."you go I just want to stay in its too hot." I told him. "Oh well okay I'll text you later ." he told me, leaving the room. I slept a little longer.
I finally got out of bed . I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I decided since the house we are staying at has a work out room that I should get back on track. I changed into a sports bra and some spandex. Since I was home alone. Me being me, I decided I should eat my left over burger king before I work out. I sat down on the counter and ate my untouched burger. I was scrolling through instagram and I heard noises. I heard guys mumbling and I heard things being moved around. I quietly got off the stool and grabbed a knife from the counter. I had my phone in my hand just in case. I heard someone yelling for help.
I held the knife in my hand ready to stab a bitch. I opened the door to the room where I heard all the noise. I saw Cameron tied up in a chair and was blind folded. "Cameron." I whispered yelled. "Lana?" He said . Two guys in black came from another door. "Back the fuck up Bitch." I yelled pointing the knife at them. They took off the masks and it was two teenage boys. Cameron untied him self."Lana stop!" He said holding me back,laughing along with the two guys. "What the fuck is this a prank?" I asked. Cameron was dying of laughter. "Were shooting a video for my channel." Cameron said trying to breathe. "Who are they." I asked him, referring to the twin boys. "This is Ethan and Grayson dolan theyre viners." Cameron said and I started to laugh really hard. I knew who Grayson was because one day a whole bunch of girls sent me death threats for me to back off of him and I didn't know who he was. I remember some fans sent me some link to a video. It was of him in a interview and they asked him who was his YouTube crush. He said me and people shipped us. This was before I met Matthew and before last summer. I remember how Hayes would always make fun of me because of it. It would be really weird for me because I never was someone's crush. I was always the one to have a crush. I just thought it was different.
"Guys this is Lana she's Hayes girlfriend and she used to make YouTube videos." Cameron told them. I put the knife down on the table. "You're grayson right?" I asked one of them ."no I'm Ethan he's Grayson." Ethan said pushing Grayson towards me. Grayson just looked at me and it was just awkward. Ethan and cameron were laughing at Grayson. "I thought you were at the mall." Cameron told me. "I didn't feel like going." I told him. "Well were going to eat so if you wanna change go ,go get changed." Cameron told me. I looked down and forgot what I was wearing. I quickly went to my room to change.
They were all waiting by the door. "Ready?" Cameron asked me. I nodded. We got outside and the twins raced to the passenger seat. Ethan sat down and grayson got in the back. I got in the back seat. We got to the resteraunt. I sat down next to Cameron. I ordered a club sand witch. "So how long have you and Hayes been dating?" Ethan asked me and Grayson gave him a look. "I've know him every since I was 7 but we started dating about two months ago." I told him. "Aye is it okay if we pick up my sister?" Cameron asked us. I always forget Jessica is his step sister. After we ate we drove to chino hills.
Jessica was waiting outside and she opened the car door. "Lana!" She squealed giving me a hug."jessica!" I squealed back. I scooted over and my butt was on Grayson's hand. I moved my ass up and he moved it really fast . Ethan and cameron were just laughing at our reactions. We had to stop for gas. Everyone got out the car. Except for Grayson and me. "You're pretty quiet." I laughed and he chuckled. "I'm normally not like this I just feel really awkward because I know you saw the video." He said, scratching the back if his neck. "Everyone gets crushes dude its fine." I told him . He smiled "I'm sorry about them." He said referring to Cam and Ethan. "Just be you." I told him. We got to the house and everyone was there . We walked through the door and everyone looked at us. I saw hayes look at grayson and he started laughing. I walked up to him. "Was it awkward?" He chuckled.
"No we actually kissed." I laughed. He stopped laughing and looked at me."I'm just kidding." I laughed hugging him. "You suck." He laughed. "You wish." At 9 we went to the airport drop off Angel and some other people off at the airport. Grayson and Ethan left. We got back to the house and everyone went to sleep around 12.
I woke up coughing and noticed Hayes wasn't next to me. I looked at the clock it read 4:07. I tried to fall back asleep but I couldn't. I got up and decided to get water and try to fine Hayes. I got some water and I looked for him. I looked at the gym room and he wasn't there. I heard the TV coming from the game room. I cracked the door and I felt like I got shot. Madison was sitting on the pool table and hayes was standing in between her legs , kissing her. I felt sick to my stomach. So this is what heartbreak feels like.
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Best Friends // H.G & M.E
FanficLana wasn't afraid to fall in love, she was just afraid to fall when it was over.