chapter 8

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•Chapter 8•

Lana's POV

    I had about thirty minutes until Matthew picked me up , so me and hayes were watching The Walking Dead.

    "You should eat before you leave , so Matt won't be scared of your eating." Hayes told me.


    "Fuck you! If he wants to date me , he has to accept all my flaws. And if he doesn't fuck him too!" I said

     "Well someone's on their period" hayes laughed.


      "Shut the fuck up and get me ice cream . Bitch!" I said pissed off.

       He just stared at me like I'm crazy. Yeah, that's right bitch.

    Knock knock

"Mattt!!" I said happy

"Mattt!!" Hayes mimicked me.

  I just glared at him .

     When I opened the door Matt was standing there with Daisys and Roses.

      We just smiled at each other . Until Matt noticed Hayes on the couch watching TV. "What is he doing here?" Matt asked. "Oh I was just helping Lana getting ready , oh and Lana I forgot to mention this earlier , I'm coming with you guys." "No your not coming" matt argued. "Well than I guess Lana isnt either" hayes argued back.


     "And why wouldn't she be going?"

Matt asked. "Because her brother said that he doesn't like the idea of her going on a date with an old dude. So he said I go or else she doesn't."

     "Fine , let's go" matt said. I'm not mad that hayes is coming , I was actually scared to go on a date with matt.

       Me and matt were in the front, while hayes was in the back. "By the way you look really good Lana " matt told me. Which made me blush, so I covered my face with my hands.

     "Don't cover your face , your cute when you blush " Matt told me. Which made me blush even more. God what that boy does to me.

        "You look good too, matt" I lied. He didn't look good. He looked like a sexy t-rex.

        "Can we listen to the radio?" Hayes asked, awkwardly. I turned on the radio and the song Miss Independent was on . I started performing along , "Lana shut up you sound like a dying seal" hayes said.

        "But she is my dying seal " matt added. I don't know if I'm supposed to be affended or honored. "Are you calling me fat? " I asked and they started laughing. I'm serious tho.

        "So were are we going on our date, Matt " hayes asked. I laughed.

"Its a suprise for Lana" Matt answered.

         "Are we there yet?" Hayes asked for the millionth time. No one answered his question. Lol.

      When we got there I was so shock to see that we were at a little beach. in the distance there was a table light dinner . awwww .I started getting all emotional and shit , and matt just laughed and pulled me into a hug.

       When we got to our table there was only 2 chairs, so me and matt sat down fast. "Hayes you can sit on the sand." Matt smirked.

       "Nah" he said , while taking a seat on my lap. "So matt what are we eating "hayes asked. "Me and Lana are having fish tacos." "Are we having tacos just because , Lana Is mexican, that is so racist." Hayes told matt.

        "What the fuck" I said . matt got up to get the food from the little taco stand. "Hayes can you like stop ruining my date".  He just rolled his eyes.

         Matt came back and had 9 tacos.

"Thanks " me and hayes both said.

Hayes started eating like an animal. While I tried not to, matt isn't ready to see the mandly me .

      After we finished our dinner. Matt and i decided to take a walk along the beach. We saw this huge rock and matt climbed it and helped me up. We just watched the sun set. He placed his hand on top of mine and I intertwined our fingers together.

  He then place me in front of him , so I can lean my back against his chest. Perfection,

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