Ch.2 After math

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As i hear my name get called my on frozen still my life flashes before my eyes just thinking about actually doing this makes me sick.i staggered forward onto the stage as soon as im up there District fours escort opal directs me to my seat and picks the boys . And now for the boys she said in her horrific capital accent. Shane flownders. A boy walks up from the 17 year old section he looks pretty tall about 5"8 had dirty blond hair like most boys in district 4 and sea green eyes . He had the same look i did when i came up scared pissed then angry. Our tributes for the 75th annual hunger games and with that shane and i where whisked off into separate rooms for family visits. My mom walks in with my little sister Aliya they both looked heart broken. Look i say to mom and my sister i promise im coming back i give my sister a big hug and tell her dont take any tessera and that hunter will bring back fish for you and mom. Then i talk to mom i give her a huge she kisses my forehead mom dont do what you did when dad died from that boating accident you cannot leave us again and Aliya shes too young. I know she says with no emotion. Just then a peace keepers pulls me away and throws me in the train next to Shane. As we take seats in the dinning cart of the train i play with the necklace my father got me for my 8th birthday i think ill make it my token this year. Just then i hear loud thumping foot steps and see none other than Finnick O'dare nice you ill try my best to help you win he says with a wink in grin in my direction. So how are you going to help us where just hear For their entertainment Shane said sounding slightly annoyed. Thats where i come in after snow not being to please after last years game where gonna give them a show alright i have big plans for your alliance. What are you talking about i question. Ok so you to strongly hate the games right. Yes shane and i say well i have a plan thats gonna go down in history. from me to shane then back to me with a quick grin.
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