Why of all people

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I was kicking who ever was pulling me back into the training room and out of the lunch room. Oww quit it Serria SHANE! I said with wide eyes get away from me I said as I turned around and backed up what do you want. He started laughing a twisted laugh you know what I want is for you to go through with Finnick plan. Common Serria he says in a softer voice you know they'll turn on you as soon as your not looking please just at least think about it fine. I mean he was making sense but I don't trust him Shane says one thing and dose another. Ok now let me go back to lunch and you can go back to your little girl friend Shane. I was going back when i bumped into Jack he gave me a hug I was worried sick I thought someone took you or worse shh I said cutting him off pulling him closer to me well they didn't and it was just Shane he wanted to talk. As I said his name jack got this look in his eye like he was already planning his death. Dont you ever scare me like thar again okay? Okay I said in a faint voice.
Jacks pov
Serria really scared me for a moment I probably sound like I'm over reacting but I don't know what I would do if she went missing or was kidnapped.Damn Matt said as Serria and I where sitting down she has you whipped. I rolled mt eyes at him and simply stated when you get the feeling and meet the right girl.Hey but you do realize Jack how pissed she gonna be later I looked over at Serria she was laughing at something Ruby said. I ran a hand through my hair yeah but its for all of our own goods and she will be much happier even if shes scared for a little you better be right bro but hey if shes still pissed I call dibs. You call dibs on what Serria asks oh nothing just who gets to kill Shane first then we all started bursting into fits of laughter. Nice save bro Matt said. Yeah I said plastering on a fake smile but really it was killing me on the inside about the next few days.
After our lunch break we all went back to our apartments to get ready for the interview. So I went to see my prep team. First I got a bath and was scrubbed and waxed , then Gem did my make up while Alex styled my hair. Oh I love it so much thank you don't mention it Serria now go into the other room Sam has your outfit now go you want to be prepared. As I headed to the next room I had a million thoughts going through my mind about the interview. Then I walked through the door and all my thoughts vanquished as I saw Sam and the beautiful light blue dress that twinkled in the light. Oh Sam I love this dress thank you so much and thanks for the flats i don't think I could've learned to walk in heals.Sam let out a light chuckle no problem Serria now lets go back to the apartment to listen to the scored then its off to the interviews.

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