Chapter 9 old friends and new betrails

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Serria pov
I was eating rapidly I snuck into the apartment when everyone else was asleep. Opal just then walked in and gave me a look , Serria thats not how laddies eat dear. I rolled my eyes and left just as my prep team and Finnick started to come in. Not so fast Serria ugh I let out a huge sigh what Finnick. I just wanted to tell you its your first day of training so stay under the radar and  focus on survival skills save you're talent for the private session in tomorrow. Ok I said in a soft voice I was surprised at how nice he was he smiled at me then I left and I pressed level T which was for training. As the elevator went lower and lower it stopped at the second floor Jacks floor. As it open I held my breath and saw Jack and his district partner. He winked at me and I blushed I could tell he was watching me as he was talking to his district partner. I was deep in my own thoughts but Jack snapped me out of it hey Serria I would like you to meet my district partner Cassidy. Hey. Sup. Jacks told me a lot about you really yea she said kinda smugly blush started to creep up onto Jacks neck he said how lovely you are and how he'd love to.. Thats enough Cassidy I let out a small laugh I think where gonna become great friends fast. The three of us stepped foot into the training center wow was all i could say it was amazing. We had 7 hours so basically like a school day back in district 4 except training and we have a lunch break at 12. I started walking a long the rack where bows and knifes where Finnicks voice popped into my head warning me not to but I could feel the careers watching me and so where the game makers. I took the sharpest knife held it by the blade and I hit the target straight where the heart would have been after about fifteen minutes I herd the careers whispering. Hey serria do you want to join our group. I thought for a moment this goes against everything Finnick told me right there in this moment I know what I should do.Yes I would love to Jack ran up to me and gave me a huge hug and spun me around. I was hoping you would say yes. I can tell the others really like you yeah Cassidy already like my best friend and Ruby and Matt seem cool yeah. For the rest of training the five of us went to stations together just talking and getting to know each other by lunch me ruby and Cassidy where inseparable too bad where gonna end up killing each other. As for Matt he became my big brother and Jack well the others gag every time we hold hands. Its like every time I'm with him time is frozen and I feel fireworks and butterfly's. They called lunch break and we all went to sit but just then I felt someone pull me away from the group.

Sorry we haven't been active lately we been busy with school and I have meets but thats no excuses we will be updating at least twice a week if you have any suggestions DM us thx for understanding.

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