Chapter Three.

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   Heavy boots squeaking against linoleum  was almost as loud as the ringing phone coming from the back desks. I couldn't remember the last time I'd woken up this early, let alone been out of the house this early. I checked my phone again. It was nearly ten a.m. and I was exhausted.

   "Can I help you?" A woman asked from the front desk. She was new. Her name tag read Gilbert and her blonde hair was pulled and pinned pack tightly. She was obviously someone who enjoyed the role of tough cop.

   "Yeah, uh," I mumbled. My mouth felt dry. Did I really want to do this? Of course not, but I had to. "I'm here to see Sergeant White."

   She eyed me up and down over her thick-rimmed glasses. "Captain White is in his office. You can head on back."

   I nodded, thanking her quickly as I beelined past the people in chairs waiting to report whatever petty crime was troubling them that particular day. Honestly, I would have seen White whether she granted me permission or not. I didn't get out of bed for nothing.

"Harry Styles," he smiled when I tapped on his wooden door. He closed the Manila envelope he had been peering into and leaned back in his chair. "It's so great to see you."

I found myself smiling back at him. He was so familiar, I couldn't help myself. "Congratulations on the promotion, Captain," I told him and he grinned from ear to ear.

"Thank you," he said humbly. "What can I do for you?"

   The dry feeling was back. I didn't want to do this. "I came to talk to you- about uh," I swallowed and it felt like my throat was made of sandpaper. Why was this so difficult? "I'm wondering if there's any way I can get my job back."

   He raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms over his burly chest. "You want your job back?"

    "Yeah," I nodded slowly. No. "I do." I don't.

   He ran his hand over his chin. "I would like that very much, Harry, after everything that's happened..." He trailed off. Most people never knew how to bring it up. I was grateful for that. "We would love to have you back here."

   I guess I should have felt grateful. I'd finally have a reason to get up and out of the house every day. Not that I wanted to, but I knew Lily would be proud of me, which was something to feel good about.

    "Cool," I said, straight faced despite the fact White was grinning mad. "When can I start?"

He chuckled to himself. "Whenever you'd like."


He raised a dark brow. "Yeah... yeah it may be a little soon, but I think everyone may be too excited to have you back to care."

I nodded. "Thank you so much. I really need this." I was lying through my teeth, but if he noticed he didn't call me out on it. He had to have understood how hard this was for me. It was a sheer miracle I'd even rolled off the sofa this morning- well it was actually Lily's nagging, but I'd be considered crazy if I ever told anyone that.

"Yeah, no problem," he smiled. "There's a few new people you should meet first. This place was going to hell after... you know," he trailed off again, hiding his flushed face with a downward glance to the floor. "But they somehow got it together."

"They sound like good people," I decided. He beckoned for me to follow him and I did, keeping my eyes trained on my boots.

"Trust me," he laughed. He led me through the desks of officers, most of them stopping their work to greet me, but a lot keeping their faces buried in whatever file they were working on then, all the way to the room where my desk used to be. "They've helped a ton."

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