Chapter Thirty-Four.

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   Harry's POV.

The sun was starting to set, giving everything an eerie orange glow. The street was still wet from the rain and everything smelled clean-everything smelled new. The earth had been cleansed and everything looked brand new. Nature had reset itself and was ready to start again.

Elena sat beside me, her blonde hair flowing freely as the wind whipped it all around her face, singing loudly to the song that blasted through the speakers in my truck.

  It was Kings of Leon and Elena more screamed the lyrics than sang them, but it was perfect. She was perfect.

  The way the sun looked as it accentuated her hair. The way her feet were resting on my window. The way she would crane her neck just to obnoxiously yell the lyrics in my ear. It was all too perfect. I couldn't get enough of her even if I tried.

      "Off in the night while you live it up I'm off to sleep ," she sang, bobbing her head along to the words. She stared at me as she sang, expecting me to join in but I only laughed.

  "Come on," she begged, turning the radio up a little more. "You know you want to."

  I took a deep breath, biting back a smile at how goofy she looked as she shimmied around and bopped her head along.

  "I hope it's gonna make you notice ," I joined her and she smiled at me like I had just told her the best news of her life. "I hope it's gonna make you notice."

  "Someone like meeeee,"  Elena beat out the song on my dashboard with her hands as I pulled into the gates of the giant house. Just as I expected, numerous cars were parked out front. This time, though, they seemed to have figured out the proper use of a driveway and parked their instead of in the lawn.

Elena got out first, looking out at the lawn with her hand as a visor over her eyes. "This place definitely looks different when there are no stoners hanging out here."

I held my hand out for her and she did a quick walk over, interlocking our fingers. I could only imagine what she was thinking, all of the flashbacks going through her head, but It was her idea to come.

I heard everyone before I saw them.

"You fucking cheater," Niall's voice echoed off the decorated walls and the linoleum floors.

"Language!" That was definitely Amelia. I smiled to myself at the sound of her voice.

"Oh." Liam. Definitely Liam. "Like she knows what he's saying."

We found them all in the living room. Niall sat on the top of the sofa with his back against the wall and his feet pressed firmly into the cushions. Liam sat on the other sofa, properly, beside Amelia. She had her feet on the coffee table, her legs the perfect angle to keep the small baby in her lap that was holding onto her hands.

"Hey man." The last person I expected to see appeared from behind us, holding a bottle in his hand and a rag on his shoulder. Ashton trailed behind him, holding a bowl of popcorn and a very large glass of soda.

"Zayn," I greeted him coolly. Everyone's focus turned to us and Elena squeezed my hand. I knew they would all be here, but all of them actually right in front of me was a bit unsettling.

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